PERFORMANCE HEAT! How about a mode where you can limit parameters for stage use?

Some friends asked me if they should get the AH for their live acts.
My answer was: "YES, BUT… you will have to be quite sober and careful"

From a sound perspective the AH is amazing for being on the master of a Liveact
because of the Saturation and the Filter.
But with the real life threats of intoxication, bad light and bad monitoring the AH can be a dangerous companion also (with the AH being so flexible and drastic).
Just imagine a bypassed AH and somebody by accident cranks up drive and resonance to full and then hit ACTIVE.

So what could be done to solve that?
Kinda a child safety lock
While programming you define from where to where a knob should adjust values. similar to how you can limit midi knob range in Ableton.
For example the Resonance Knob could be limited to 30% of what’s the little beast actually can do. #filtermouth

Essential i would see to be able to limit Character selector, Drive, Resonance & maybe Filter Modes.
Other things could be also cool, like to have a Macro Page, where you make the 4 endless dials to macros of your choosing…

I personally would also love that in the studio.
but there it’s not so essential, i have made a little workaround with midi knobs for some functions that i would have to switch pages while jaming (env width…)

blablabla… you get the idea… what do you think?


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Analog Heat feature request thread