Pattern switching confusion

Hey fellas
So I have connected A4, AR and Octatrack, Octa is the master to AR and through to A4.
As I make both the A4 and AR respond to program change from Octatrack, I have switched them on to the Direct Jump. However, the A4 does not always respond as Direct Jump. On some patterns very randomly it decides to wait for the pattern end until switching to the next one.
Any ideas what may be causing that? The AR seems to be responding as it should.

I have found that when the A4’s master scale is set to any value other than 1 it will change patterns out of time with octatack. For example at a setting of 1/2 it will take an extra 16 steps to change. Maybe that’s what’s happening for you.

Cheers mate
Do you mean that the master length of the whole pattern should be the same length as the one of the Octatrack? i.e 64 steps each? What do you call 1 and 1/2? Bars?

I’ve found out that this is a known bug that we will just have to wait to have fixed. When changing patterns via program change the A4’s direct change settings will have no effect.
Master scale is different to pattern length, it sets the resolution of the steps. If your pattern is set to a master scale of 1 then the steps with be 16th notes. If set to 1/2 they will be 8th notes and so on.

Ah ok man, thanks. I realised I have neglected the scale settings so far…all these years…
So have been only making music in 1 as a default value.

Direct jump doesn’t applies to pgm changes.
Use multi map instead.