Pattern Generator Experiment

thanks! it is fun!

:smiley: :smiley: didn’t check the forum for a day and see what happens!?
great work void, i’ll give it a try as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Void: you’ve probably got this on the radar anyway, but just in case: it would be killer if you’d add Euclidean rhythms to your little tool.

For anyone not knowing what it is check out:

Original paper:

So far everything seems to be working as it should. Some very interesting stuff happening… some not so interesting stuff happening. Completely random the way it ought to be.

I will make some audio examples here shortly.

Void: You are a maniac. I cant believe you did this without owning a unit based on a few numbers and files we sent you over the course of like 2-3 days. I hope we get to meet one day, i owe you a beer.

I just got a minute to sit with the App and AR for the first time. I started generating patterns with the kick and hat and decided i should record it for all yalls to hear.

This is my first 14minutes playing with the app. Id say 98% of all the patterns are generated by the app itself. I tried not to alter it too much, but i did add a few trigs here and there at times. I would venture to say that about 60% of all the Plock info was also generated from the App. I did do a bit of live record plocking at points, but kept running out of Lock Memory. :zonked:

Admittedly, most of this is garbage. haha. The first half especially when i was trying to figure out what the app was doing. Around the half way mark i started to figure a few things out and it started to make sense. Im very excited to have this tool.

Void is a mother fucking genius! Now im even more excited about the A4 App.

Anyway… here ya go.

cheers Derek! the reverse-engineering was good fun.
great to hear how it sounds, thx for recording :slight_smile:
loving the middle part, the hats/snare from ca. 8:00 >>>

listening to it feels very similar to collecting the data actually, trying to figure out what does what :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


  • step generator now uses the well known Euclidean algorithm.

  • added two buttons for double- or half-timing the current track:
    this will set the pattern’s scale mode to Advanced, and give the current track a new length.
    all steps in the track will be squashed together or stretched apart…


:+1: :slight_smile:

let’s hear some audio imo :imp:

it crash while using it but reconnect smoothly. I am not sure i get the total randomness happening. I find I don’t want the software changing lengths i set.

in the piece I threw up, I switch pattern throughout the piece on all tracks. mute and unmute track. hope it does drive you too crazy…

thanks a bunch for recording & feedback!

yeah I wish I had a good way of tuning the rhythm algo to be more musical… right now this is a flight with zero sight & no instruments… can’t even check if the wings are still there :alien:

if you’re not fed up with it, I’d be interested in hearing what this does on a single track, e.g. something like clap. with various options… such as spamming the track with p-locks (disable On Empty Track, disable Rhythm, enable P-Locks, hit Generate several times…) also using the double/halftime thing… basically to be able to hear some of this in isolation… cheers! :slight_smile:

anyways, updated with:

  • an option to disable changing the track length
  • settings are remembered between app launches


ported the randomization to A4 so I can test it with that…

will continue to experiment with the rhythmic patterns… thing is, I don’t want to have dozens of sliders & other explicit parameters… it should hopefully produce interesting patterns with some built-in smarties…

A4 substitute demo:

6minutes of Rimshot recorded just now. Newest app version. 100% App Generated.

I did end up crashing the App towards the end with settings of: Max Value on all Sliders, All boxes checked including On Empty Track, 2x speed and hitting the Do It button.

Cool I will try it a bit later.

VOID could you drop the A4 randomizer so I can compare? It might help.

This looks great, looking forward to trying it out.

yea, i’d love to mess with it on my a4 as well.

This thing is proper fun!

Thanks Void!

Hello there! Downloaded the app, but I can’t make it work. It’s a pity I can’t use it because I really like the idea. I got this message when I hit the generate button: The operation couldn’t be completed. (no connection error -1.)

I’m using the ARRandomize app and it works well here, so I guess I’m doing something wrong. I’m on a MacBook Pro, OSX 10.9.5.

Thanks in advance!

Hi, is the ARPatternGen app working also for Analog Four?
Because if so, this is my dream come true!

I don’t have it here and it would probably not work with the newer A4 OS anyway, sorry…