Pattern change question (from a novice)

Hiya. I’m experienced in Ableton/software but this rytm is my very first piece of hardware so I apologize for any novice stupidity :wink:

Should the Direct Start mode allow you to change patterns in sync? When I change a pattern in this mode it starts immediately upon press, out of sync with the previous pattern- is this normal behavior for this mode? The Direct Jump seems to stay in sync but I’ve read on here about the known issues so am weary of relying on it. Thanks for any help.

Can only speak for the Analog Four but it’s the same on the AR I think. Yes, this behavior is normal as far as I know. Can’t find much use for it, with Direct Jump you can get in sync pattern changes. You only have to look out that your patterns have the same base-length to stay in sync, otherwise you can jump between them as much as you wish. Sometimes it doesn’t do the jump, you have to push twice to get the change but I think it’s mostly just a matter of timing.

Think of it as kind’ve ‘free time’ mode. The purpose of this mode is to not be in sync. It’s more performative, where hitting patterns is much like hitting a piano key ie instant.

Thanks for the info guys. I was hoping that I could use Ableton’s clip launch quantize to sync the Direct Start, but the rytm seems to only work in sequential mode with Ableton, unless I’m missing something? Actually, the whole ableton clip launch affair has been wacky so far. On the other hand I don’t mind staying in-machine and using the limitations as assets.

Using program change messages = sequential mode.

Try setting up a multi map to change patterns instead, might work better. Multi Map to transpose and switch patterns

AR doesnt have Multi Map :frowning: