Patch rearrangement between Banks?

Hullo! I’d like to rearrange the sounds between banks en masse, is there any way to move multiple sounds at a time through hotkeys or (ideally) a 3rd party application? I’d prefer to do it visually, through drag & drop if I can.


Can you not do that on OB?(I haven’t used OB yet)

From what it looks like, I can bring up sounds and drag them into a project/track with OB… but I can’t seem to rearrange them between banks? Maybe I’m missing something.

Are these kit sounds or sound bank sounds?

Not even to the point where I’m setting up my kits, they’re just in the banks.

Shit, man. I’m still past due on figuring out how to configure the sound banks just in general, like on the device. Wish I could help ya

However, you suppose you could throw me a bone and tell me what I have to do to put sounds in there, please?


Make sure to turn USB mode away from Overbridge, then-

From Tutorial - Loading Sound Packs?

Just go to the Global Menu:

Sysex Receive --> +Drive Sound --> Load “Anywhere” (This will put the sounds into the next available empty slots/bank.

Select “Yes” when “Anywhere” is selected. The A4 will begin listening for Sysex

Shift+Select all sound files that are loaded into C6 and click “Send”

You should see A4 receiving the sounds, then you’ll see them in your +Drive, to be enjoyed how you wish!

Let me know if you have any problems there.

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Thanks for that! Good luck in your search! Hopefully there’s a way to do what you need!

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