
I have had a similar idea for a while. Actually, it was one of the reasons I bought the OT. I bought the OT for different reasons that most probably. I needed to replace a hardware sequencer. Being able to mix down to audio was the thing that kept only having 8 midi tracks from being a big limitation.
Now I haven’t gotten around to getting this whole mix down thing set up yet, but I know it can be done…

So im really hoping someone can clear parts up for me.

My understanding of parts is to be able to swap through and change the samples on triggers between different patterns, but not getting why there are 4 parts to each pattern.

i get you can make changes on each of the parts, but you cant jump through the parts while they are playing, so are the parts just save points within a pattern.

all that doesnt make sense aswell as that would mean you can only create 16 patterns per song
surely that isnt right

please help me understand

The short answer is that there aren’t 4 parts per pattern, but 4 parts per bank.

I typically use different parts for different sections of my song structure. One part for the verses, one for the chorus, etc.


i dunno if im really confused still but why 4 parts per pattern, if you can only use one part in a pattern

all the other drum machine sequencers i own its very simple to have say a snare on pattern A1 copy that
pattern to A2 select the snare and change the sample.

it just seems what the point, i think im missing something with being able to use 4 different parts per pattern

or im just not to smart

I think it’s worth stepping back and reading this guide which helped me comprehend the Octrack structure :

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gonna do that

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For me it works like this:

Project - The meal.
Bank - Course. First, Second, third etc.
Part - Ingredients
Pattern - Method
Scenes - Seasoning


Yeah they confuse me a bit also. Best thing is to not wonder why, but work out how you could use them.

Very basic example could be :

Project = Album
Bank = Song
Pattern=1-4 Intro, 5-8 Verse, 9-12 Chorus, 13-16 Break
Scenes=Transition tricks, build ups, drops etc.


I feel like the language used to describe parts is confusing.
I like to think of it like this.
You have 4 parts(kits) per Bank, you can assign them to patterns.

Also, I prefer sample locks to use a variety of samples on one track.
I use parts to change Machines and FX.
Basically my Part 1 is my default set up for Machines and FX, lots if neighbor/thru/static machines.
Part 2 is set up to re-sample, the static machines become flex machines.


Octatrack Patterns and Parts

This is a little video I did a while back to help explain to some cats how Patterns and Parts are linked; and how changing a Part will change the samples triggered by the Pattern etc.

It’s using OctaEdit as a visual aid obviously; but the logic is what it is and thus the same on the Octatrack.


For me, its like for example, why would you want to change a guitar in a rock song to a saxophone in the verse ?

At the moment I just see it as four kits per bank. I’ve been using four patterns for each part and it really works in a live set.

Having said that, after seeing Cenk’s video with the volcas (where he has one part set up to record and another to play back the recording, switching between both on the same pattern), I’m tempted to get something similar going with my nords…

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I just got an OT today, that was the first thing I tried out, also with resampling. Great stuff!


Welcome on board. :wink:


Thanks, not found anything too infuriating so far, though not having the cursor buttons under the screen keeps throwing me off somewhat.

I think they have so many uses, which is why it’s impossible to define what they are meant for.

Another use would be to simply have different FX slots assigned. Part 1 has LoFi and Filter, Part 2 is a copy but I switch the Filter to Dark Reverb.

Don’t forget that you can tweak the hell out of the current Part and then use [FUNCTION] + [CUE] to reload it to the saved state. Great for live use. Remember to Save the Part first though :slight_smile:


One thing that I used to forget is that Parts contain pretty much everything except what steps are being triggered.

So - if you change an effect slot to use a different effect, you’ve made a change to the current Part.
If you change the Start param for a track, that’s a Part change.
If you create or edit a Scene, that’s a Part change.

If you like what you did, you have to save the Part so that those changes are not lost when you change Parts.

In the beginning, I lost so many changes to Pitch/Timestretch/Start/Len parameters because I forgot to save the Part.


Man alive! This is one of those moments I shouldn’t really share as it makes me look like a complete twat but worth the giggles. Keep in mind I’ve properly owned 3 OT’s over the years here…

Was mucking about with the OT this evening and no joke only just realised that selecting a different FX on pattern X changed FX on pattern Y within the same bank. I dunno why, I had always assumed it was FX per pattern haha. It’s starting to make sense now why certain changes didnt have some of the desired results and ruined previous work now…

So, by falling foul of one of the noobiest mistakes and misunderstandings I’m finally starting to get the value of parts. Go me… :crazy_face: And when I say “properly owned” above I am clearly lying. Nothing “proper” about it haha!