Overbridge with Audacity?

first post, total noob, love this place

i want to individually record each track on my a4 into separate audacity tracks. is it possible? at the end of, say, a jam, i want to be able to edit/mix/throw fx on each track separately. has anyone tried this?

i see a lot of ableton stuff, but i’m keen on audacity at the moment. i guess in audacity i would need to have multiple tracks created and “armed” to record…and each track would correspond to a track in overbridge.

when i go into audacity’s plug-in manager, it doesn’t even show overbridge as an option to select. perhaps i still haven’t gotten learned what i need to in audacity, but i figured i’d ask here because this community is very responsive and involved :-] maybe one of yall have done this and know exactly what i need to do, or maybe not. peace either way, and thanks!

edit: i’ll probs post this in overbridge too, and take it to audacity as well, but for now here it is

Audacity does not have ASIO for low latency and neither can it load VST-instruments, only effect-plugins… not shure if that is going to change in the future.

ATM, it is not possible.

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You can do this without Overbridge. In Audacity go to Preferences->Devices and select your A4 as your device under the Recording section, then select 8 under the Channels section.

You’ll have to hit record and then start playing, unless you figure out a way to get the A4 to sync to Audacity, and if you have any unused tracks on the A4 you’ll get empty tracks recorded in Audacity (easy to delete though.)

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that is awesome. problem solved! thank you so much

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ah dang, wait…under Channels it’s only giving me 1 channel (mono) or 2 channels (stereo). i thought i read that changing the sound interface in audacity from MME to Direct Sound or to WASAPI enabled multi-track recording, but changing it doesn’t yield any different results…