Overbridge When?

Well what if there is new information that someone knows that google is not yet privy to? Thus the question.

Nice opinion.


It never hurts to ask a question, without questions science would not exist, in fact you wouldn’t exist if the first humans didn’t ask the question what a dick and pussy are for?

So questions are nice.

The whole MC Ride homeless hobo persona is contrived.

So do you have any opinions you didn’t rip off /mu/? The fact that you got so worked up just because I asked if your title was a DG reference is hilarious considering you claim to hate the band, yet know so much about them.

Did they hurt your feelings?

lol “worked up?” I was laughing the whole time, if you by worked up you mean laughing then sure.

I think a lot of my posts show some humor but they may have gone over you head.

Forget about Death Grips what about the new Star Wars, do you think JJ Abrams will fuck it up or deliver? Perhaps Overbridge will come before then.

He’ll probably fuck it up. How can you even be hopeful after the disaster that was Episdoes 1 through 3? 3 was all right but 1 was just a train wreck.

I’m going with zero expectations. Hopefully I’m pleasantly surprised.

The trailer is gonna be played with the new Avengers movie.

No question is dumb when it comes from an honest point of view of wanting to learn new information.

Now go chase Baddcr in the garden maze!

A hedgehog.

You owe me a cookie.


A hedgehog.

You owe me a cookie.

Hehe! I guess there are dumb answers to dumb questions too :kiss: [/quote]
Whatver. I want my COOKIE!!!

Actually Sonic the Hedgehog is not a real animal therefore he is not a hedgehog he is a computer animation made of 1s and 0s

So your question was stupid but it has multiple answers depending on your point of view

Therefore… repeat after me.
There are no dumb questions really, not when asked in earnest.

Looks like everyone can pee really far.

Done now?


Well, at least you kept it classy…

Careful gang, I would really hate to see Overbridge (or the lack thereof) end up being responsible for causing more deaths than smoking the marijuana.
Did somebody say cookies…?

Back the fuck up. It’s my cookie. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

um so when is overbridge coming again?

Man I just want to get over this bridge.