OT TRig Conditions (TRC) thread

I’m not betting on it, but I hope we get conditional slide trigs.

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with the advent of midi trig conditions, could be a fun time to start sequencing the Machinedrum with the Octatrack midi.


getting kind of hot and bothered thinking about TRIG, HOLD, ONE, or HALF LFOs made in the LFO designer interacting with conditional trigs … octa about to give birth to some gloriously complex modulations the likes of which haven’t been seen outside of absurd modular experiments.

you can say i’m feeling pretty glad i never gave up on the :elot: !


Indeed! And to have all this power over MIDI, simply glorious :heart_eyes:

Now if only there was a way to have 128 parts per project, the octa would reign supreme over most MIDI sequencers out there. But again, one can combine the OT MIDI seq with another seq with a MIDI mergebox and some planning so all good.

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Suggest thread merge

[Mod Edit] : Thanks for pointing this out, that purely speculative thread has been closed now. :thup:


I think it should work when cond are true. Slide trigs are independent, so why not ?

it would be cool if the Slide Trig mode allowed the Slide to be p-locked although currently that isn’t possible.

but a conditional trig on a regular trig on grid sequence mode, that is p-locked to some parameter and also has a slide trig in the trig mode sequence would work with Conditional Trigs to either play that trig or not.

as regards a conditional scenario whether an existing trig has a slide applied to it or not, i don’t know if that is achievable. it would be cool if potentially allowable. Sometimes a slide note, sometimes no slide note.


The A4/R have other parallel sequencer layers but you can only explicitly TRC the main trigs viewable in regular step edit (so only Trigs or Trigless-Locks) if an underlying slide exists it will still occur only if the main layer is ‘true’


The question is : Do cond trigs act as regular trigs when they are true ?

So you think slides will work with TRC ?

Of course, if a trig exists (i.e. via true or just normal) and it has a slide it’ll slide as normal

TRCs are just a way to locally mute/hide a trig


If I remember rightly the A4 recognises such slides when the conditional trig plays. I’ll have to test that out when I get the chance.

this is beautiful

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This is exactly what I’m expecting, but it would definitely be a lot of fun if it was possible to independently set the conditions for the actual slide trigs. Just dreaming.


Ok we won’t believe Elektron guys anymore, when they say “it’s not possible”. :grin:

But when ? Can’t wait ::loopy:

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This is super awesome, makes me hyper

Octaboner re-engaged.


They never actually said never… :loopy:


I agree with you, @Open_Mike : while it has been officially stated numerous times that there would never be any OB for OT, I have never read official :3lektron: words denying the possibility for OT to be added trig conditions.

This announcement got me pretty excited, I just can’t wait to get my hands on an OT mk2 !

EDIT : seems I had already stated this :smile: