OT mk2 internal sampling weirdness... is it me?

part one - pattern one - thru machine T1 - neighbor machine T2. Recorder buffer recording T2. Great.

part 2 - pattern 2 - all parts are saved properly I checked. T1 - playing back the recorder buffer 1 on a flex machine. recorder buffer is always retriggered either doubling the recorded sample (weird) or overwritring the recorder buffer.

I have to play recorder buffer 1 on a different track in other parts - is this expected behavior?

Are you using recorder trigs?
If so is there one on part two pattern two?

Are you recording when you change patterns?

Definitely not expected behavior if set up correctly…

Sounds related to this bug:

When you change parts, you have to place a trig to change the machines.
Maybe T2 pt1 is still active ? Try to put a trig on T2 pt2.
I scratched my head in similar conditions once.
I’ll try to find my post. Later. :coffee:

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I’m trying to reproduce your issue but more details needed.

Which Recorder ? REC 1 or REC 2 ?

Edit, I tried both possibilities, it works for me, a rec trig on pt1 T1 or pt1 T2.