OT clock is too unstable to use with Bitwig(Edit: OT was not the problem, but turned out to be the solution)

I hooked the analog rytm’s MIDI-out directly into into the audio interface again because yesterday when I error-searched I hadn’t tested if clock from the rytm was stable enough while the sequencer was running. And yes. Though the Rytm gives stable enough clock while it is stopped. As soon as I press play the bitwig-delays are bananas till I stop it the sequencer. So that means the problem is with the interface or bitwig.

Now I’m trying to sync Bitwig to the USB out from Rytm. To see if it’s the interface. No success so far. I get to choose Rytm as a clock source, but it doesn’t sync up…

Anybody know what this could be?

I record loops and samples with OT. And will do so even more in the future. I am saving up for a modular that I will be sampling a lot. I also want to have the OT as master clock for the modular.

It’s mostly a matter of being able to turn things on and everything is ready to go without the computer being turned on.
Also I like to have the physical play button.

I don’t use a lot of pickup tracks no.

What would you say are the advantages of using the DAW as master?

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Get things working.:slight_smile:
What about Clock Send and Receive?

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What do you mean send and receive?

Just another possibility to experiment.
OT can receive external clock, and send it’s clock. Same for transport. That way you can use gear without turning computer on .

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That’s a pretty great solution. Now I have it set up so that everything is synced to the OT. But whenever I want to use tempo synced delays from the computer I can just turn on clock send from Bitwig and the OT immediately and automatically becomes a slave, sending out Bitwigs tempo to the rest of the gang!

You’re the best :blush:

Still confused about why Bitwig won’t sync to my Rytm over USB. But this works just fine!



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It was just a guess ! :smiley:
I don’t even use a DAW except for audio editing. :smile:

Bitwig claim it works to use OT as master.
I was thinking of downloading the demo to see…

Thavius B shows in this vid

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I also have the same curiosity as you.
I can not understand your conversation because I am not an English speaking country.
I am really excited, but can I ask for a one-time explanation on the step by step?

Thats fine :slight_smile: Which part do you want me to tell you about?

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I refer to the video posted by GiacomoB

my OT and BW seem to be out of sync.

In OT you press the play button

OT will play but BW will not react.

I do not know what’s wrong …

Do I need to connect my MIDI cable?

Or is it just enough with a USB cable?

Yes, you need to connect the MIDI cable. The USB on OT unfortunately can not send MIDI. Only transfer files.

Let me know if it works.

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I’m not good …
What settings should I make in Bitwig?

Do you connect OT with MIDIOUT and PC?

What language do you need the infos in? I’m sure there are a lot of native wjatever speakers on the forum.