Odd key placement on digitone

[Edit: New members can’t upload pictures yet… But imagine if you will a digitone, with the circle copy button and square pause button somehow switched. That is my special boy… My diglet-one]
Greetings all… I am a new angsty, wakado music making man child in their early 20s, (like we need more of those), and I was psyched to get my digitone today from a stranger off reverb.com… When as I watched Cuckoo’s tutorials on navigating the synth interface, I realized my digitone was special… Real special, and it is bugging me. I am a little more than a tiny bit ocd, and this isn’t ok. What do you think? Manufacturing error? Previous owner messing with it? Whatever the case, can I put these pieces back where they should go? How would I go about doing this if at all? I can get used to it, but boy was this an unexpected surprise! My pause and play instincts are ruined forever if I can’t change this.

Buttons in the wrong place was a relatively common manufacturing error on the Digitakt and shows up occasionally on the other Mk2s. They can be fairly easily swapped around. Contact Elektron support.

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Thx finalform