Octatrack Monolith

The vidz from Paiheu to illustrate the theory! :wink:

Most excellent! Rusty all my stuff is boxes -well have to have a jam real soon.
I’ve bee n waiting to try something like this out. I’ve been really exploring using e OT as a synth and using SCW and these Alex the kid ones also and I’ve been getting some incredible results. Triggless trigs are my new best friends.

Lol, it seems things went viral faster than I expected!
I made Monolith and I’m still working on fixing a few things… And planned to make a video tutorial this week before an “official” release, but you beat me here Rusty!

Hope people find this useful, let me know if you guys find bugs or anything (and send me soundcloud links of things you did with this template :slight_smile:

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…just an early morning idea:
microcontroller (arduino) -> set up to recieve midi and store the notes in an aray and dynamicly distribute the voices to different midi channel (something like the “poly” class in pure data)
octatrack is using the cue out trick from above and processing a filter and fx channel. 6 voice wavetable synth (track 1-6) with two filters(track7) and fx(track8)
what do you think?

I think the Octatrack really invites to experimentation :slight_smile:

Edit :
Well i find what i said :


The wire is internal, not external.

We obtain a similar practice…

If i’m not wrong…

Ah, I’m sorry dude :joy:

I saw it on the Octatrack group, read over the pages yesterday and was wondering why I hadn’t seen it anywhere? Thought it had been out for a while…

Cool stuff though, looking forward to giving it a go when I get some spare time. Thank you for it.

Just DL’ed Monolith yesterday and haven’t had time to explore it, but thank you for taking the time to put it together. It looks like a useful tool in the making and I’m grateful that you shared it! :slight_smile:

also try resampling the cue track. because slices. :slight_smile: or you can do that in addition to the live input and pitch it, etc.

i like to use effects after the waves to dynamically shape them. distortion + filter is a good starting place.

i also like to map pitch to scenes so you can play all at once on the octatrack by switching scenes or do stuff like setup tuning ratios between voices.

ETA: what’s the octatrack group? i thought this was. lol.

Just DL’ed Monolith yesterday and haven’t had time to explore it, but thank you for taking the time to put it together. It looks like a useful tool in the making and I’m grateful that you shared it! :slight_smile: [/quote]
+1 :+1: :+1::+1:

setup tuning ratios between voices.

The “detuned drone” and “S&H mayhem” demos I posted on youtube are actually that: Just me moving the crossfader back and forth to make the preset evolve.

Perhaps I’ve not set it up properly. I get seemingly random notes when I play, there’s a constant drone in the background and periodic plinking noise. Haha. I am pretty sure I followed the instructions carefully.

Thats just the universe telling you that you should start producing musique concrète.

Welcome to IDM.

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My issue might be that I’m running it through a midi patchbay. Dunno…

I expected a more normal subtractive synth but what I’ve got isn’t “playable”. Weird glitchy noises, high pitched drone and random note values.

Weird, do you have a recent firmware?

Also, how are you playing the synth? are the “presets” playing correctly?

I am playing it via a midi keyboard or just laying down trigs. Same results. If I just hit play on the sequencer, I get the drone sound and the plinking.

Latest firmware. I have to have something configured weird. I’ve tried without the midi patchbay and the result is the same. It’s probably something simple but I’m still an Octatrack newb so who knows…

Could you send me a recording of those sounds?

Yes. Later tonight when I’m done slaving away for the man.

Thank you!