Octatrack mkI: More Detailed Sample Start value?

Without using slices, is there a way to set the Sample Start value to a more detailed value than 0-127? I don’t think there is a way, but curious if there is.

If I have a longer sample, the time jump between each number on the Sample Start value becomes greater.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your help!

Yoi could try to use an LFO for sample start and set it’s depth to a lower value. Not sure if it will work, but it could.


Probably not exactly what you’d want, but there’s something very efficient : The Trim Editor !
The most precise, but realtime only, no plocks. You can plock Start add lfos on Start and use Trim Editor at the same time.
You can trim a sample and play it differently on 8 tracks.
I use it here :

When you hear high notes I’m reducing trim length.

Didn’t try, I have to test that, same for LENgth. :thup:
One limit : you can’t have a sample length below 64 samples. You can check that with Trim editor. :wink:


Probably not a great solution for what you want to do but you can load the same sample into a couple different slots and change the start time in the editor slightly (within 1/128 of the total sample length) to increase the granularity. If the start point you want is between 2 values, just change to the next slot to get a point between them.


That is a nice workaround ! :thup:
Slots consuming, but you can set 128 start values with Trim, with 1 sample precision !

You can set scene A to start 0 and scene B to start 1 (or more) then use crossfader or loopback midi to control.


Great one too ! Always workarounds with OT ! :thup:

Any reason ?

If I am sequencing a vocal sample, I like to organically find the sample start points as my pattern runs rather than choosing beforehand with slices. I’ll slice things if I know I’ll want to start specifically at certain spots, but for vocal chopping I like to sorta find my way in the moment, if that makes sense.

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You can also create a slice grid with a few slices and move them in the AE Slice page, add slices…
Maybe the easiest !

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wait, a sample is “slot dependend” ?..vs. the made settings beeing “sample-related” ( hope its understandable )
but how would i trim 8x the same sample differently in the audio editor if only one of them/slots is originally related to any track ?
i think there is a drawback hidden and not full freedom given ?
i ask, i just have my OT since short after a 2-3 year break

Yep, with same sample loaded in different slots you can make individual settings per slots for Trim, Slices, Attributes.

You can use SAVE SAMPLE SETTTINGS, and reload them with the sample in a different slot, and change them again. These settings are saved in the associated .ot file, AND in slots with the project.

At the opposite you can trim one sample that is played / shared on 8 tracks and hear the difference in real-time.

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Just select the slot you want to edit and open it in the audio editor, trim and close. Then select a new slot in the same track and repeat. This works for both static and flex slots.


I’m still curious about how do you proceed.
What about creating 64 slices, then adjust LEN (LEN = SLICE numbers in Playback setup), and slices start / end in Audio Editor ?

since you speak about vocals later on:
i did lots of groove stuff based on vocal samples in my first OT live.
IIRC was the best way for me to proceed to cut the vocal parts in to small and very small parts.
short phrases, single words, and smaller.
then load as many samples into the slots as possible.
you get then good access to play or p-lock with sample start and end point.
create grooves etc. resample. work from there.
eventually in another project with free sample slots.
to give some food for thought.

in my case i think i did most cutting/chopping within the MPC1K and came from there into the OT .