Octatrack: Generative Melodies w/out MIDI [video tutorial]

by utilizing slices as an array to store different notes of a scale, we can use LFOs to traverse the array and produce a wide variety of melodic results, with any mixture of determinism or probability we might prefer. In this tutorial we start with the simplest possible material - a single cycle waveform - and use that as our source to re-sample and create a sliced scale, which is then used as raw material for generating melodic and harmonic statements through modular and algorithmic techniques

a notable advantage of this approach is being able to constrain resulting pitches to whatever exotic or custom scales you may desire. Also, through more careful preparation of your slices than is shown in this video’s basic use-case many complex compositional and performance devices can be achieved - some of the simpler ways of approaching this were utilized in a recent track


Of course! Gah! why didn’t I think of this? Brilliant, thank you for sharing!

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Great one. :bowing_man:

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there is actually a thread on here somewhere that has one mention of an analogous technique, or maybe it was exactly this technique - don’t recall exactly - I only went looking for references to similar techniques after I thought of the idea while making my ‘trig conditions via LFOs vid’ :joy: