
Do you think anybody will ever hack the octatrack like they with mpc?

I have a great respect for the work that Elektron team provide…

But indeed some improvements are really desired. So a hack, why not.
I had great and better pleasure with JJOS than with resident Akai os

No. And not in a time frame that would be of concern to you.

My understanding is “JJ” is an ex-Akai employee who worked on the MPC for years… there is a world of difference between creating a new code base / OS for a machine, and modifying the existing code base / OS that you worked on for five to ten years.

Yes I think so. That’s why it won’t be done before years. For the moment I have great fun every days with OT.

As an example of someone outside trying it, take a look through the Alesis Andromeda thread on Gearslutz. Someone not affiliated with Alesis is attempting to reverse engineer the OS and then make fixes/changes.

As a slight understatement, it’s slow going. He’s making progress, but gains are measured in inches not miles.

I think the key is in MIDI control. The OT provides hardly any sysex control, but it does listen to CCs for most of its parameters. With proper configuration and a little code, the right MIDI controller could really open up the OT.

See mobmuplat, lemur, etc. (ios)
See ‘octahack’. (My currently discontinued effort in that direction:

Been there! :slight_smile:

I’m mostly back to playing OT without external midi control, instead i use a vlz4 802 for eqing main and cue, as deck channels, as well as send/return fx.

As for a ‘jjOT’, forget it unless you can read machine code.

I’ve been having a lot of fun with the pairing of the OT and a Linnstrument.

Yes, I know the Linn costs as much as an OT. OT control was not the main reason for buying it, but it has been a pleasant surprise, especially when you can split it and have faders on one side, note triggers on the other (each note can generate multiple CCs) and a low row for triggering across the entire OT.

The downside is no display, but the upside is it is a lot of fun to use and is easily configurable and you can extend it (and I have) since it is open source.

I wasn’t aware of any of these efforts, except Lemur, which I bought for Android as soon as it came out and promptly forgot about. This stuff looks great.

MichalHo, the site/domain mentioned in that thread keeps giving me weird spammy messages :(. Is this package available anywhere else?

That mobmuplat looks like it could do what I’m trying to do in Max/MSP and JS with a Launchpad Mini right now. I think I might try to move it to Go before I get too much further along, though, because I’d like something that could run comfortably on a Raspberry pi so I could use it as a sort of screenless but intelligent portable controller.

There’s a few ideas I want to try that I haven’t seen implemented in many other controllers. Like parameter multiplication, snapshots (could be especially handy for making parameter & scene locks), note to CC conversion. It might be more effort than it’s worth to manage the CCs but it could be fun.

So far, just simultaneously selecting left & right scenes using pads is pretty fun :slight_smile: It’s cool to be able control things I normally have to menu dive a bit to get to.

I thought i’d cleared all those old links. Yes that domain is no longer active and spammy.
I plan on uploading the latest mmp and lemur versions here on the forum at some point, but i just don’t have much time at the moment. Please be patient!

Oh, OK - thanks!