OctaChainer v1.0 uploaded - a tool for sample chains

Just got v 1.1 working on wine tonight. super stoked. Can’t wait for the weekend to get some traktor clips into it!

A couple of things I have noted. Wavs won’t play and I haven’t been able to do a control+A “select all/select multiple files” command in the browser. Am I overlooking something simple or is it only possible to add one at a time?

Thanks Abhoth. Awesome job!

Hi There,

Just got this one working, thanks for the effort and sharing, I have a question; when I create a chain it seems that the time between the different samples is not equal. So when I apply a slide grid it does not do the job.

Am I missing something?

Thank you

It is not meant to add evenly spaced slices. Instead it creates the slicepoints for you (saved in the .ot file created together with the wav). Copy both files to the Octatrack and your slices should already be there.

Adding an option for evenly spaced slices would be easy to do, though. Is there a practical use for that?

Wasn’t aware of the additional file. Works like a charm!!

Thank you so much

I have been requested to do the exact same thing… it’s on the “to-do” list, but quite low priority given I have bigger fish to fry, and other reasons.

Copy/Paste from another conversation the other day… I respect you more then that, but I’m cutting code/testing :slight_smile:

[i]If you are talking about “spacing” them so there is one sample per bar? Then at present I haven’t added in a function to assign it to a quantised grid, but that shouldn’t be too hard to do as it’s just going to be adding some silence to the end of each sample.

The trick there is identifying what the quantised grid is… as the resulting audio file / file size will be bound to the longest individual sample length.

Lets say you have 4 samples: 3 kicks and a crash with a long tail. Kicks are a quarter note long, Crash is an entire bar.

At present, these get made into a sample chain, and all the slice grid is already set on the Octatrack. Happy days.

Having them automatically spaced on a grid, you would take the longest sample (the crash) and have all samples the same size, no?

Current behaviour Result:

Sample Chain would be 1 bar and 3/16 long: K|K|K|Snare|

Spaced Result:

Sample Chain would be 4 bars long: K____|K____|K____|Snare|

[i]Having them automatically spaced on a grid, you would take the longest sample (the crash) and have all samples the same size, no?

Current behaviour Result:

Sample Chain would be 1 bar and 3/16 long: K|K|K|Snare|

Spaced Result:

Sample Chain would be 4 bars long: K____|K____|K____|Snare|
…and then auto-padding the end up to the next “allowed” slice count? Sure, I can add this to Octachainer if you don’t mind.

I see Octachainer as a small “one-trick” tool made for a specific need I had at the time. I don’t want to add anything that might in any way hurt sales of OctaEdit.

i made my own incomplete chainer many moons ago, but i automated the process to work best with the inbuilt slicing … maybe leaving a long sample at the end starting at a quantised point and then removing the bogus subsequent ones, something like that anyway
you’ve got a means to write the corresponding file, i hadn’t looked at one, is it text based and easy to reverse engineer, so that i can create my own - it’d be a bonus to be able to slice an irregular longer sample in the computer and export with a slice template
i’m intrigued, have i misunderstood, was it straightforward (slice file creation) ? must find one soon to look at it

hey, thanks a ton for this, it’s awesome!
one little thing though
on some chains I’ve made, there’s several slices missing, leaving just sliced silence… any idea what might be causing the trouble?

actually, it seems like choosing 24bit instead of 16bit solves the problem :slight_smile:

Hmm, sounds like a bug I haven’t spotted. I’ll look into it. Thanks for letting me know.

Big thumbs up Abhoth for creating and sharing this great tool!
v1.11 working great in Wine! Sample preview is mute, but that might just be my (admittedly neglected) Wine config. Also, I don’t need it. Again, big ups!

This works great for me so far, but it seems to set the bpm to 30 by default and I can’t find a way to change it. Easy to change within the OT, but it might be worth having a way to set it within your program too.

Agree. I think I’ll add a section for all .ot attributes in next version. As you say, easy to set on the Octatrack instead, but still nice to have.

Hej, once again thumbs up for this great tool!

It would be awesome to have this spacing feature for the slices like Rusty explained.

Because at the moment I need to individually add all the start and endpoints for the slices.
If there would be a spacing according to the longest sample in the chain i could just auto-slice the sample-chain in the OT.

So if there will be a next version… :smiley:

There will be a next version, I just don’t know when. :wink: And I’ll add the spacing feature.

But out of curiosity, I still don’t get what you want it for. Why do you need to manually add start and end points for the slices? You DO use the .OT file from Octachainer, right? If so, the slices are already set?

oh then I missed the important part to use the OT file!
Didnt know that, but now it seems obvious :smiley:

Thanks a lot! So for now I might have no need for the spacing feature. lol

That cracked me up :slight_smile:

So did you(both) reverse engineer this .ot file or get format assistance from Elektron ?

actually the .ot file is way better than having evenly spaced samples - that way you can save A LOT of Flex Machine space, and we all know how much we need it :wink:

We both reverse engineered it. It isn’t hard to do since you already know what the file should contain. Change one parameter on the OT that you know is in the file, compare the before and after to see what changed, then do the same with the next, etc.