OB vs. soundcard / multiple devices on OSX ? (/ Win ?)

since OB is coming: ( my post here is only OSX related ! )
i wonder about the following :

how will it be handled to have several OB Elektron boxes ? is the computer looking at this as “One-USB audio device” ?
and how if i have a OB device plus a USB soundcard running, would i have to create a audio aggregate ? which i think is increasing latency.

thread rules:
you are welcome to discuss the same problem in relation to Win10 etc. systems,
just: make please a clear declaration in the first sentence to what OS you refer !

This applies to all compatible operating systems:

The interfacing takes place via the VST / AU plug-ins.
So you aren’t selecting the Elektron instruments as your audio interface, they show up as plug-ins that you drop into channels in your DAW. Rytm.vst, A4.vst , etc.
This is how multiple instruments at the same time are possible.
Furthermore, you can still use your existing audio interface in your DAW.

No aggregation is needed, and this also reduces latency.

In earlier versions there was an Overbridge control panel to manage the settings for the instruments in OB mode. This will probably still be the case.


Use the VST/AU as @adamjay suggests.

If using the audio interface capability of your Elektron boxes, you must do so one at a time. I wouldn’t even bother creating an “aggregate interface” - you’ll have clocking issues.

Getting the streams from multiple Elektron boxes using Overbridge into a DAW all timed correctly seems like a total coding bear, and to me, would (will) be an impressive achievement.

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ok, i got the picture :wink:
interesting, interesting.

my DT a Plugin ? LOL
( just patching my OT thru my DAW now. so amazing )

much thanks !