OB & AR: did I miss something?

Hi all,

I thought Overbridge was supposed to let us save & export our samples on the computer. But I can’t find or see anything on the interface that would let me export the samples :frowning:
That was the only aspect of OB I really needed…

Btw, my pool is empty in OB, but there are 128 samples in my AR’s pool. Not cool :confused:

Thanks if anyone can help or tell me.

It’s still beta. I know this is a FUTURE plan (ie. getting rid of C6).
BTW, I can see my samples in my pool and can still drag and drop, but not from my desktop or anything like that.

The sample transfer isn’t finished. :frowning: You can only manage samples that are already on the device. But yes, we’re working on getting rid of C6 for the sample transfers. It’s way too slow. :-1:

Have you contacted support about your issue?

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Ok, thanks for the answers!

I’ll open a ticket (we are a few who can’t see anything in our pools)

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Ticket opened last night!


I’ve also had quite a lot of problems with OB not showing stuff in the pool and on the +Drive. Sometimes not even the kit I formation is in sync, feels like some kind of connection problem.

Haven’t tried out the latest beta yet, probably will be better and better in each release.

Will the eventual getting rid of C6 have some kind of repercussions for us Elektron users who are unable to use Overbridge because of its OS requirements? (like many others, I’m running XP)

So, this is 2017 calling back.
Elektron has released several new products in the meantime.
When do you suppose we will get reasonable sample management for (in my case) the rytm? Because there is nothing reasonable about C6. Its pretty sheit to be honest.
I don’t understand why this is not a full feature yet. Stuff like transfering folders with subfolders etc.
How can elektron neglect such a thing for so long???

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Sample management is the RYTM’s Achilles Heel Getting samples in and then managing them inside the machine is painful at best. And how time flies, it’s been a long time since this machine was launched (3 years to the month).

I don’t know any details but there’s a sample transfer app coming out soon probably around when Digitakt comes out but maybe longer…

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I love Elektron and I love the RYTM but I agree. Its just a workflow killer. You’re working on a song, and you know you want to use the latest samples you downloaded. And then you have to pull up C6 and wait ages for the samples to go through before your Rytm can use it. And then loading them from the pool into your project. Meanwhile SDS drop lets you drag and drop already (but I dont have a Mac so I cant use it). Please Elektron, complete the Rytm’s functionality for us

wasnt that meant to work with the Plugin itself? i.e. taking a sample from the Arrangement in Live and dropping it onto the Rytm-Track to initiate Sample Transfer? Something like that? Cant remember anymore. Its that long ago already - and its still an unimplemented feature - in either way.

I dont complain anymore - i given up on that a long time ago already. Using the machines for my channel keeps me busy and doesnt allow me to think about something like that :smiley: But i have to agree: Its a shame that this is still not working!

[edit] to the OP: Change the title of this topic to have Elektron make note of it. So that they see - we are still waiting for a feature they “promised” :wink:


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