Nord Drum 2 + OT vs. Rytm

well as long as it sends midi notes and velocity, then you could sequence it i suppose, right? you don’t need anyhing else?

That would be enough to use the basic functionality of ND2 happily (similar to using its Global MIDI channel).
You would miss out on the ability to send CCs and change the sound of each drum, as can be done with the individual channels.

“All sequencer tracks on the Analog Rytm MKII can also be set to send sequencer data
through the MIDI OUT or USB ports to control external, MIDI equipped, gear. Each track
sends note on/off and velocity data over MIDI. For more information, please see “11.7.1 TRIGS
SETUP MENU” on page 43.”


Great to know
If I want to go crazy with CC and program changes then I also have an octatrack :wink:

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