No external MIDI = sadness [Functionality added in OS 1.50]

Why hasn’t this thread been locked yet. :smiley: seriously.


klerc mentioned this in another thread, but I think it also belongs here for posterity’s sake.

You can use the Rytm to sequence external gear.
For as little as $40 on the 2nd hand market, you can grab a Sonuus G2M
At the cost of a voice, you can use this device to sequence midi notes to external midi gear with Rytm.

If you’re using Rytm for entire tracks, you won’t be losing much by sacrificing that voice. Instead of Rytm doing your limited bass line work, you can have it sequencing a Minitaur.
Instead of Rytm sequencing your mono sampled synth stabs, you can have it sequencing an Audiothingie’s P6 in “chorder” mode doing 4 note chords. You can also layer the internal voice with the external voice by keeping the voice routed to both Mix LR and the voice output in your Rytm.


I bet you could make a sample chain of the USAMO plugin playing midi notes 0-128 and send the audio from Rytm to USAMO. Note offs might be tricky though…

Edit: expert sleepers say here you could probably record the usamo plugin output and load it into an octatrack to trigger USAMO MIDI sequences. Would probably work with Rytm too = sample accurate MIDI!

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I guess they will never implement this, as the job is done by the OT…

AR is only a (very good) drummachine

I should have read this post before buying one AR :smiley:
would have buy an OT instead.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Analog Rytm MIDI clock output

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: New Elektron Box 2016

Not being able to send the sequencer midi out of the outputs is the dumbest, most retarded oversight in history. What is the point of having a midi out, and allowing midi notes to leave that output when i hit the pads… and then not let sequence data do it.

I just can’t fathom this. i thought this was supposed to be a professional product.


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I thought professionals RTFM before buying a product?

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Welcome, but please have a quick look through the guidelines to get a feel for how things are supposed to flow around here, there are better ways to communicate, even when frustrated, to keep this place genial :thup:


I would really love to be able to record the midi sequences I make in my Rytm to my DAW. It really limits my workflow when I have to choose between one of the two sequencing options and stick with it for the whole project. I want the playability of the Rytm with flexibility of editing midi in Ableton, but sadly I have to choose.

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Hi. I would like to echo the above sentiment. I would love to stream what’s happening MIDIwise into my DAW and have maximum flexibility with MIDI editing. I do love how the RYTM sequencer functions, but would love some outside editing/control from time to time. Don’t see how this would be much of a processor drag to implement or require much beyond a box to check/uncheck within the MIDI setup page.
Has anyone heard anything regarding this from someone at Elektron?

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Jeez people. Use an iPad to sequence midi out!

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and miss out on the awesome that is conditional trigs and plocking? noo way!

Overbridge is supposed to introduce pattern I/O at some point, hang in there…

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On a similar vain to the discussion so far, is it at all possible to send program change midi messages from the AR? I’m hazarding a guess not as I can’t see anything in the manual about CC messages being sent out or CC machines… but worth an ask right?

If enabled, the AR sends Program Change messages when its pattern changes. See page 55 of the 1.30 manual.

(You also mentioned CC messages, which are different from Program Change messages. CC messages (or NRPN, if you prefer) can be sent from the DATA ENTRY knobs; see page 56 of the manual.)

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Cheers! That’s what I’m after. Great that CC messages are also possible! :smiley:

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CC messages can only be sent from the knobs, if you sequence the knob movements (by plocking for example), nothing will be sent out.

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It seems every silver box they made (maybe not the SID, idk) had external MIDI. Now, the only unit is the dated Octatrack.
I was on the fence about getting one but it seems there are still bugs that aren’t being fixed and some things just need updating, which will never happen apparently.
I feel they missed a huge oppurtunity on the Heat. If they put a 4 track sequencer that could be used internally and externally, then it would have been the smash hit of the year, and justified the price. H ll, I would have paid even more. After all that speculation, I personally feel very disappointed.

I own the RYTM and I am still irritated by the lack of external MIDI. I have a microgranny that would be the perfect RYTM companion if only they hadn’t arbitrarily crippled it.

I’m also befuddled that they stop production on the silver boxes when there was such a demand. I didn’t have $$ laying around during that time but I assumed they would make them for longer than 2-3 months after price redux.

So What, we have to wait until the Octa 2?? Come on Elektron, whats the long game strategy here? Adding external MIDI to your other units doesn’t seem like to much to ask.

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No, get you an Octatrack.
Bugs don’t bug me, and as incomplete as it is it’s one of the deepest machine I know…