ooh, just in time :slight_smile: Thanks

Just got my dfam today and connect it to my elektron mk2’s…blow away with how good the dfam sounds and how fast you could get something cool coming out. Brilliant for techno.


This seems to be the general first impression… and I certainly won’t disagree :wink:

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Strange to say that out of the box it sounds better than any of my elektrons. At least for the sound im always after. Might have to look more into semi-modular stuff like 0-coast etc. No sure about Mother 32 as all the demos ive found on youtube all sound to fluffy and deep. No very techno/industrial-ish.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Problem with OT Thru machine

Received them today. The last 4 hours were extremely fun and impressive.
The sound is just as awesome as I imagined it to be.
And the build quality is outstanding


Last week I built myself a 3 tier rack stand at work for the 2 Mothers and the DFAM. Missus says I’m looking like mad scientist when noodling on that wall of knobs ha ha.

Have fun with moog…


Fun times :slight_smile:


So aphexy. Great job. Assignable random to tempo?

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Thanks man, aphexy has to be good :slight_smile:
No the assignable output is not used. The velocity of the dfam is patched into the hold of the mother.
And the dfam advance clock is triggered by gates from the A4 sequencer. That’s pretty fun. If you set uneven steps on the A4 the dfam sequence always shifts and never really repeats


Yeah this is super fun with the TR-8S. Changing the active gate steps in the sequencer is a bit like playing with the arpeggiator on the Monomachine.


I realised most of the time I use the DFAM as a sort of complex oscillator/cool sequencer combo to create FM/Bells/Acid tones but yesterday I needed toms and remembered how great it is at it. I love the sound of the noise in this thing, very punchy and it makes for a great tribal feeling when you combine it with other percussion. So here’s the result : DFAM, Lyra 8 and Modular burned in the Analog Heat :


This made me pull out brotherhood of the bomb by technoanimal for a nostalgic listen…
Larvelly work…


@ Adam9 Thank you ! Justin Broadrick latest album as JK Flesh was a big inspiration for this, Scorn as well :slight_smile:

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sold a Monomachine MK1 for a DFAM and i don’t regret it. i have a Mother 32 too, they both are a great team :slight_smile:

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Nice, but a bit overpriced at 200?

Whenever I see “family tool” I’m vaguely reminded of “family cloth” :grimacing:

looks interesting