Monomachine midi multi-channel recording

Learned something recently that I really like about the mm - if you send multiple channels of midi, it will record them all at the same time to their assigned sequencer channel. For example, if you connect a midi controller transmitting a keyboard split on two channels you can play both sides of the split and have each go their own sequencer channel.

Also realized that after you assign midi cc’s to a track it will also record those incoming cc’s as p-locks. In the past, I would p-lock the mid cc’s on the mm and did not realize the mm could record them from the transmitting device.

As far as I can tell the midi sequencer on the octatrack will only record to the active channel - not on multiple channels at once.

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Really? Midi-Sequencer In live-record-mode?
Means for example Track 4 will be recorded even when Track 1 is selected just by sending on the suitable midi-channel?
Tried that with my Nord Drum 2 (each Voice on own channel - played live over the Nord Pad), but no success…
Maybe ill have to try again and double-check my settings…


I came here with this exact concern.
I got an OT first, and found it frustrating to have to make both OT and my Mulit-timbral/Mulit-Channel workstation (QuasiMIDI Sirius) on matching channels…
As per the OT manual:
"While in MIDI mode note data and CC values can be recorded in real time to the active MIDI track. Activate LIVE RECORDING mode by pressing [REC] + [PLAY]. For the MIDI track to register incoming MIDI data, the note or CC data needs to be sent either to the auto channel, which is set in the CHANNELS menu, or to the MIDI channel of the active track."

…then I got a MnM, and was VERY Pleased to see that I can just leave the MnM in Real-time Record and only have to switch (Channel-specific) Timbres on the source synth if I don’t want to do do everything from one Auto channel and track-switch on the MnM side.
The MnM’s manual doesn’t say anything comparable to the OT’s limits above.

I do REALLY wish that the OT could do it the way the MnM does. I hope this would be possible, especially with the OT’s variable-track-length poly-rhythms.

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