MIDI timing discussion

No offense, but you are going off on a theoretical tangent that is barely on topic.
I’m interested in the stage/performance context and MIDI clock, not Caesium clocks, not USB.

MIDI is serial too as you know, but it generally avoids the packet issues of USB. So is that protocol getting the atomic clock data to your clock instance. Let’s forget about that, as that discussion does not actually solve any sync problems.

I agree with your last statement, which, had you made it in the post i previously replied to, would have made my reply redundant.

Actually did run the initial tests I did overnight as well because I was so surprised with the results. With Ableton Live on my MacBook Pro, there was no difference between running the test for a minute or for 12 hours.

It’s indeed possible that the OT has rock solid clock output, but looking at the results from other hardware gear I and others tested with this, I strongly doubt it.

Please note that both the hardware and the testing firmware is entirely open source. You can easily build one yourself or have it done by someone with the required soldering skills for about $30 - $40 in parts. See https://midisizer.com/midigal/ for details.

You can find more information on the testing firmware here https://midisizer.com/midigal/midiclk/

This means that you can easily replicate the results yourself if you like.

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Thanks for the concise response.

Lab condition testing is fine as a guideline, but take a typical live situation:

You are running ableton, jamming in session mode, you are sending midi clock to one or more musicians that use ableton-laptops or hardware. Sooner or later, while using multiple instances of a CPU intensive plugin like e.g. turnado, your computer will have a ‘hiccup’ and miss a beat. Ableton’s midi clock will slow down and speed up again briefly, which will not be neutralized (or resynced) by the receiving devices. Within a split second, your co-musicians might be off by a quarter note, you might get a ‘snares on the one and three’ scenario. Everyone will have to resync to the first beat. I see this kind of thing happening on a regular basis. Ever since I’ve started insisting on being master clock with the OT, this problem has gone away, downstream to the slaved devices, to be precise. Hardware usually stays synced, laptops still have their hiccups, but not all clock recipients are affected by a master glitch…

Tbc. Off to dinner.

Ps. You could replace the term ‘hiccups’ with drop outs. The clock ticks might simply stop for a critical moment instead of changing speed too quickly.
In this case the mechanism of sync dysfunction is not as important as its result.

i think we have to be careful about stating intuition or opinion as fact. the spread of misinformation these days is rampant.

Conclusion: jitter is one thing, stability (= clock continuity) another.

Stability is non-negligible, jitter is tolerable within a certain margin.

The combination of laptop hardware, OS and DAW will not yield a stable clock signal and is inherently unreliable.

Octatrack wins.

End of discussion (for me).