MIDI Sustain

Hello! How can I configure the Digitone to utilize the sustain pedal I have hooked into my MIDI keyboard? I’m primarily a keyboardist and I bought the Digitone as a slick way to make some rad new sounds, but it seems like it’s not using my sustain input out of the box, which is a pretty severe limitation. Hopefully there’s just some setting I’m overlooking!

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MIDI sustain pedal is not supported in other Elektron synths e.g.A4/AK - I think it’s possibly because of the tighter expected integration to their sequencers rather than them being regular ‘keys’ synths - so, it’s possible there is no support for pedal sustain as there is a precedent

you need to send MIDI CC 106 and/or 107 (sustain/release). You can use something like Keith McMillen SoftStep 2

but surely that just sets the amp sustain level (presumably) or increases the decay, it’s not the same as pedal sustain

OP : a quick search suggests the DN does not support pedal sustain

here is Cockoos tutorial for using Softstep with Keys: https://youtu.be/qZUrjfJEme4

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I worked around it like this: on my midikeyboard I set the cc# for the sustain pedal to #2 which is breath control, then on the digitone the breath control mod controls both filter & amp release. That works pretty good.


Just send the controller 107 from the master keyboard
Continuous Controller 107 (Values 0 - 127)
The CC 107 acts on the release of the amplification envelope

This is realy noticeable on the Digitone with all the lush piano type sounds where I instinctively go for the sustain pedal, I have a bunch of keyboards and the sustain pedals normally just work ‘out of the box’, its like having to map pitch wheel and mod for every board…bit of a pain. Surely Elektron could just set this as a standard option?

Hi, came here having the same issue. At least, almost: I use external sound modules and these are routed through the DN’s miditracks which is a convenient way to switch devices live without needing to change channels in a menu on the master keyboard. I use the autochannel, so I just have to hit the button of a midi track to instantly change sound (and live-record the track). But the Digitone fseems to filter out the sustain pedal message, even when just playing live without recording. It doesn’t even “thru” the message. I understand why, for instance, aftertouch and pitchbend messages are not recorded the digitone being a step sequencer, not a linear sequencer. But recording single messages is just like p-locks, and sustain is just one message, not a stream… Oh well…

Sustain seems to be added in the latest version of Digitone firmware (1.20), but it’s still not working for me.
I have to investigate more about this.
I’ll share any news.