MIDI problem with OT + iPad setup

Hi guys, I apreciate if anyone could help me to find the root cause of the problem I have connecting iPad and OT via midi.

Setup is: OT (midi out) -> Cheap China “midi to usb” converter -> Camera connection kit -> iPad

Basically midi works for all my synth apps and everything works fine, but only when using 1 synth app. Example: OT sending midi notes to Moog model 15. Also I tested and all channels work correctly.

Problem begin when I use for example 2 apps, sending midi from OT, channel 1 for app1 and channel 2 for app2, when I play the notes, they start playing in the correct apps, but the note kind of holds forever (like if I was holding my finger on the key).

I can see exactly the same behavior in Korg gadget. When I config MIDI in “easy” meaning that only one synth is controlled via midi at a time, everything works correctly, but when I configure it as “Advanced”, meaning that I can assign different channels to different synths, then the same problem appears: the notes play in the correct synth, however the note keeps holding forever, and I cant play anything.

Does anyone have a clue?

I suggest replacing your “cheap midi interface” with a quality one.

I can use gadget or two apps multitimbrally the way you’re trying to with OT.

If you want to fully isolate the problem, connect the interface to a computer and try the same thing with two different applications as well as two different channels in the same app ( the same thing you’re trying to do with the iPad).

If it works on the computer, you could try reinstalling all of the iPad apps ( backup your data! ) and try again…
But so far my internal tech is starting to eye the “cheap midi interface” suspiciously.
You buy cheap, you buy twice.

Get MIDI Wrench app (its free) to see what’s going on.

I had a similar problem OT MKII not sending correct midi channel or cc messages

The note off info wasn’t being sent on the correct channel, leading to hung notes.

It’s deffo something about the octatrack as my midi thing worked fine with all my other gear. The fix was to get a better usb to midi thing, I got a roland um-one. Maybe visit a music store and see if they have one you can test.

Hey dizzy and stonecoldgroove, thank you very much for your help!
I agree with your suspicion on the cheap midi to usb converter. I will get this MIDI wrench app to investigate and will also test midi in OT directly to the computer. Once I have the conclusions I will let you know the results! :slight_smile:

OT direct USB to computer doesn’t transmit or receive midi - it’s just for moving files back and forth.

My brain kicked back the first time I used an iPad as a sound source triggered by nord drum and iRig MIDI… I kept having what you describe, stuck notes that rang forever.

Check the release times on the virtual instruments that you’re triggering… Nord Drum doesn’t send MIDI NOTE OFF’s, iirc, neither does OT.

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Sorry, when I said directly I was meaning using and audio interface with midi input. But I will check the release times, thats a good idea!

I tested yesterday with MIDI wrench app and another software in the computer and found the root cause of the problem: It is the “cheap midi usb adapter”.

It is sending the midi information from OT always in the same MIDI channel. For example, I configure midi channel 5 in OT, after the adapter it is using midi channel 1, 10 notes I hit in OT goes in channel 1, 1 hit goes in channel 4 (???), then in OT I configure midi channel 9, then 10 notes I hit still goes in channel 1, 1 hit goes in channel 8 (???).
I concluded this by testing with “OT -> cheap adapter -> computer”, then I replaced with “OT -> behringer UMC 404 hd -> computer”, the notes are sending correctly with the behringer interface.

And yes, I noticed that OT does not send midi off event, but midi on with velocity zero (but this is not a problem to me).
So I am replacing my midi adapter for a roland one or I will buy a powered midi hub to connect the behringer interface in the iPad OR I will buy a cammera connection kit with power input.

Thanks for the help!

Double isolated root cause!

Out of curiosity, what brand was the “cheap midi interface”?

The cheap midi interface was this one:


Conclusion is: Don’t buy it! You buy cheap, you buy twice… :slight_smile: