Make a 30 minute mixtape with no preps

I’m glad it inspired you :o) I think I just needed that push to “finish” something & once I did, the flood gates opened. Not only when it comes to “finishing” beats but sharing them with the public as well.
I put finish in quotes as I don’t think I could actually call any of my music or art work finished…I’m just done working on it. But I didn’t have this realization until I posted my first battle beat & it was a huge break thru for me. I never considered any of my beats to be finished because there were still things I thought could be done to them. But this will always be the case, especially for a perfectionist or analytical mind. So beat battles really helped as the beat has to be done by a certain time weather it’s finished or not.
I learned to put the done stamp on something, which can be hard to do.

A lot of great info in your post! A no prep mix in front of an audience for me would def be extreme, but in the studio it would be fun & great practice! I try to always go by feel when creating as it is, but that would be the ultimate way to go by feel & just follow the sound. You have inspired me as well :grinning:

I did this exact same thing over the weekend, just on the spur of the moment. Here’s a good chunk of it:
