Launchpad pro experience?

I just randomly bought a Launchpad Pro, stumbled upon a great deal. I’m loving the idea of controlling the OT with it (MIDI direct), I’ve seen videos of people doing crazy stuff with it and Digitakt so something good should be possible. Does anybody have experience with this to share? It was sort of an impulse buy and I’m not really sure where to start :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’m waiting for one to be delivered as we speak, mainly planning on using it as an Ableton controller though, to play back chopped up samples and arrange tracks.

I just bought a course in programming C so I can build some custom setups. Very excited!


People have made custom firmwares you can buy to control digitakt but I haven’t found anything for octatrack. If you have the programming skills I’m sure a lot would be possible but as it comes there’s no programming software to change CC numbers etc. The easiest bet would to be using a middleman like computer or some other midi translator to send appropriate messages to OT.

@nfim if you’re planning on using it as an ableton controller it works pretty great as is but apparently this brings it closer to a push.

I tried using one of this guy’s scripts ages ago when I had a launchpad mini. Sure it adds a lot of functionality, but so much of it is hidden behind unlabeled button combos that it’s impossible to keep track of. IMO it’s not user friendly to pile tons of extra features into a simple device like the launchpad. I can understand why some people need it, but this time around I’m just here to trigger some clips and play some synths!

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Yeah I get what you mean. If I was gonna grab it I’d probably only buy a couple of modes. This video shows the ones I’d likely use. I think it might be the same @DataStrain from on here. He shows note repeat, 16 velocities and step sequencing. Thought I’d give it a mention. The LPP works great with ableton as standard anyway

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That’s cool, it seems way more modular now, could definitely see myself using note repeat and 16 velocities. Will have a deeper look. Cheers!

Ayeee, thanks for the share! I do love me those Arsenal scripts.

@nfim I just recently found out you can color code almost anything you want as well, which makes the memorization so much easier. These scripts really do shine with the RGB controllers. I tried using the one for the Launch Control XL but the lack of colors made it confusing to use.

@fenixsong makes some pretty neat scripts as well for the LPP!

Hey, thanks a lot for the mention. Appreciate it. I’ve done a bunch with Custom Firmware for Digitakt…and then a totally separate one as an Open Source version for a bunch of things.

as far as I know this should work on Octatrack too but not as fine tuned to it. A few comments I’ve received about interest for Launchpad Pro for Octatrack leave me tempted to do more, but I don’t have an Octatrack so it would be hard to build.
the open source one is at…

the open source one has my “ScaleArp”, some special performance tools for Circuit, introduction code on animations with Launchpad Pro, and more.
I hope that helps.


well, I have an Octatrack, and I just bought a Launchpad Pro. Perhaps I could be your tester to see what’s different from the digipad, what works and whatnot :slight_smile:
This of course has to negotiate time allocation with 2 teenage kids, 2 jobs and a very demanding wife, but hopefully I could still be useful :yum:

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What about 2 wives? :slight_smile:


Then you’d need 4 jobs


Cool, I know the feeling! That would be cool. There is a free version of DigiPAD on my patreon account…

When you can, if you could try that and see what it has that could be of use for Octatrack.
If anyone could become a Patron to support the development of “OctaPAD” that would be cool. (If you do join specifically for this purpose, drop me a note there so I know you want that. Even temporary patrons are cool.)

Are you kidding? One is more than enough, thanks :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Thanks, I’ll try that out. I forgot to mention that I’m coding challenged :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Oh, you don’t need to be able to code to utilize these Firmwares. You can just install them to your Launchpad Pro (instructions posted in various spots). The open source version is just there for those who’d like to go to that level, and even that one is available on my Patreon site as a ready to go SYSEX file. Cheers!

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Hey there,
I tried installing your firmware, but my guess is the midi implementation on OT is quite different from what you have for Digitakt. It seems to trigger somewhat random behavior, some behaviors are aligned, some others quite unpredictable…
Heck, I’d be happy just being able to use the normal launchpad functionality with octatrack :yum:

Well, thanks for trying it. That is super helpful. Sorry it wasn’t a match for OT. Maybe some future updates can help it out.
Did you try the USER button and try various of the modes? Possibly the keyboard mode on different octaves could help.