Korg Prologue 8/16 Voice Analog Poly Synth

Well im grateful , no GAS at all :slight_smile:
1 LFO no thanks especially if it sounds like the Minilogue.
Hope they will fix the crappy Minilogue ENV that always reset to zero.

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load oscillator programs of your own creation (and yes!) You can develop on the dedicated software

What do they mean with „oscillator programs“ ? The programmer in me says „I create my own wavetable system“ but the synth nerd says „maybe a waveform editor?“…maybe it’s just a translation issue…

And yes just one LFO is not enough, but Octatrack can add LFOs via midi if needed.

leak yeah yeah

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It sounds nice, and perhaps there is something to its rather simple signal path - definitely more of a performer’s instrument. What I find surprising is the lack of pan spreading the voices…

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Pretty, but no GAS whatsoever. Bring on the new Volcas. :wink:

10 posts were split to a new topic: Korg Volca Mix

Best thing about the Prologue: Developers can write their own digital oscillator and effects for it!! It has 16 user slots for both digital osc and effect section. Korg will release a developer kit/APIs later for it.

What does it mean? Somebody will port all the braids oscillator modes (they are open source) to the Prologue. :slight_smile: A 16 voice braids type synth with analog filter and some custom effects.


Interesting, will it be stereo, or mono as minilogue?

IMO a synth lives up by it’s modulation capabilities. Two analogue oscillators, one digital oscillator, and one filter seems to be pretty standard for sound design. Compared to the DSI Prophet 8, or Rev 2 respectively, it seems to lack many modulation options.

Let’s see, what Korg reveals in the future and let’s hear, how the sound is. At least 16 unison voices can become massive :wink:

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Love it. But I’m not gasing it. Nor do I feel it for that mixer thing.

If anything’s getting my NAMM money, it’s the DFAM, for now.

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So far NAMM isn’t giving me any GAS, I’ll amost certainly grab the Volca mix if it runs from battery though, the Prologue though seems a bit boring to me, I don’t get why there are so many keyboard synths still being made but I suppose there must be a market for them. Personally if I was a keys player I’d rather have a decent weighted controller, a smaller synth type controller and a bunch of modules and no other synths with built in keyboards.


Remark from a keyboard player … for me it makes a big difference to play a tune with one hand and to perform sound modulation with the second hand on the same instrument live … well … not working only on the wheels and joysticks, but on the various knobs and sliders of the particular synth. There are so many tones to express myself. And … with some keyboards around, I also can quickly change on the fly from one to the other. I couldn’t be happy with one master-keyboard only.


better to buy the KingKorg second hand :stuck_out_tongue:

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Aha, well that makes sense! I’m just a knob twiddler :smile:


So you have two hands free for sound mangling … all the better … :smiley:

Prologue bad? You slagging off a product before even knowing the full specs… IMO the digital side is the most interesting thing about it, and not much has yet been disclosed about it.

That video was pretty - pretty boring

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More vids (I’ll add em all here as I find em, as to not needlessly up the postcount)

This shows abit more of the UI… Several reverb and delay algos on board

Also liking the power supply on this one - no wall warts!
Expression and sustain pedal jacks
MIDI In & Out
volca sync in/outs

Some patches

A GAK presentation vid

A sweetwater vid

Here’s a better rez pic of the front panel

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I can‘t listen to most of these demos and a lot of analog polysynth demos in general. I can’t stand these cheesy 80s analog pad and keyboard sounds. They seem to be thing most people ask for in the synth market… hundreds of videos covering the stranger things soundtrack… puuuh, that‘s clearly not my favoured music era.
Maybe that‘s why I like the often said „cold“ sound of a4 and monomachine so much.

Sorry for being of topic, tried to watch the demos :wink:


Well, Korg is aiming for the kind of market that wants to sound like everyone else.

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I was hoping Korg would use their nanotubes in it and give it sampling as well as a beefed up monologue sequencer but then again they aren’t basing these synth off of my imagination.