Issues updating Rytm to 1.22

Anyone having issues updating to 1.22?
It won’t receive the file.
mac - 10.11.2
c6 1.51

I am able to update the A4, with no issue.
I tried updating from within the OS (global/system/os update) and then from the Early Startup Menu… no luck either way.

Had this issue also. Go to global and switch Overbridge mode off - don’t forget to switch it back on after if you’re going to use the Overbridge plugin.

I had switched both the A4 & AR to USB/MIDI (Overbridge Off) prior. Didn’t work.
Did a factory reset, and it fixed.

I had problem with my A4, AR updated fine.

I just tried it many times and suddenly A4 started receiving OS fine. Dunno why.

I also disabled the OB from the device, but I’m sure that it didn’t help. Worth trying, tho.

I didn’t do factory reset or anything else “special”, it just suddenly started working.