Introducing Digitakt

It’s not clear to me either. The inputs are marked “L” and “R”; I’m guessing for when you are just sending a stereo signal through the Digitakt to be mixed with the the master out. I want to know if stereo samples can be recorded using the Digitakt. Has this been clarified? I don’t think the Digitakt was designed to handle stereo samples from all that I can gather. I don’t know if there are plans to make it handle stereo samples in an easy manner. I know the Electibe E2S lets you pair up two tracks if working with stereo samples is desired. I’d hope the Digtakt has a similar feature.

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Apart from the sampling I’m hoping users can route 2 mono sources in and pan them where they wish.
Add the ability to sum the inputs to a mono sample and one could get pretty experimental with ,say, 2 Nord Drums with different sounds, it would be a sculpting dream…

We’ve got months of waiting to find out!

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I think you’ll be able to choose between L, R, L+R, for recording. Phase issues depending on audio material, the problem should be the same on AR for playing. What do AR owners think about stereo to mono playing in AR ?
I’m not convinced, but curious too !
///You stopped bananas ?

Should I replace Octatrack for Digitakt for my Overbridge setup (AR,A4,Heat) ?

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I had a crazy dream where I was playing Tomorrow Land with a Digitakt & PO-32 and it sounded heavenly!

I was very sad when I woke up without the power duo.


I’m looking at the released specs on the DT, the term “sampling capability” seems suspect

Also, calling it a drum machine instead of beatbox also seems odd.

Just bought an MDUW+ recently…

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Yea i think the Digitak could manage smalls samples for playing loopbeat loopsynth or loopeffect.Digitak will be an remix equiment for Dj.Not same as Octatrack but with workflow shorter sampling time

finally… WHY IS IT CALLED A DRUM COMPUTER and not a sampler midi sequencer? … smells like Apples to me


Limiting the Digitakt’s ability to handle stereo samples (maybe without the ability to even record them) seems like a very unnecessary limitation. I wonder if samples can be edited (trimmed) properly using the Digitakt; the RYTM requires sample editing to be done outside of the machine.

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Computation is any type of calculation that follows a well-defined model understood and expressed as, for example, an algorithm.

Sequencing is a form of computation. Synthesis not required for computation.

</nerd alert :eyeglasses:


someone suggested that this is only for overbridge functionality?

They can’t make us.

its only fx are delay and reverb via sends.

1GB = 1000MB This is what the machine can store today.
Elektron announces 64MB of memory for samples by projects, so to refocus the information and get an idea: it would give a little more than 15 projects (up to 64MB) loaded to the maximum.
I think the Digitak could handle small samples (guitar / drum riff / bass line) easily with no problem.We will be located between the machinedrum and the octatrack for the workflow.(Because half price)

Target audience is the musician / DJ with potential for “simple” editing but fast for a finalized project.
It does not go through a computer (effects / cutting samples) but can driver midi instruments.
Conviviality,value for money combined with performance for nice live

Is it possible to think that the technology of Elektron can make the effects modifiable on the midi tracks of the sequencer?Not to these samples.

I’m definitely excited about 8 tracks of MIDI sequencing. One request, please allow the “pairing” of the audio tracks so they can be stereo, as in two monos become one stereo and one sequence effects both.
If I could have 8 Midi and 4 stereo audio tracks, well you got one sold.

Recently picked up a korg volca sample … great fun. instant travel bag groove machine. And I like that it is limited to a relatively small 4mb memory. You HAVE to choose a palette of samples that will fit.
But it has increased my interest in the digitakt rather than diminished it.

If only the digitakt also had battery power…


My only gripe with Elektron boxes is the real-time performance factor. For me, I prefer a more simplified thing that is one button/knob per function.

For example, changing patterns on an Elektron box requires two button presses. After navigating to the sequence pages, on the TR-09, it’s just one. On an MPC, it’s just one. I know that sounds small, but when you’re trying to twist a knob and change a pattern at the same time, it get’s confusing for me.

I only say this because while the DT looks awesome and fun, I imagine it functions (performance wise) like all their other boxes. And to be honest, after playing with these Boutiques and what-not, I’m not as impressed with Elektron gear as I used to be. Elektron boxes are simple machines for sure, but a little too much going on to just jam that way you can with the TR-09 and TB-03.

But for $650, I’ll probably swoop though…

My favorite Elektron box to date is still the A4. I just macro stuff up and there you have mutes and all your knobs in one place. No need to page around like the other machines. My least favorite was the AR. I never gelled with the Scene/Performance pad presses. I could never page from one to the other fast enough to get in a groove. Go figure.

Oh, and the MD was my all-time favorite for the CNTL-AL function!!!

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Sounds to me like you’ve never set up ext MIDI controllers for your elektrons. Buttons that do pgm chng and faders/knobs for your perf macros will give you all that oneclick boutique functionality, while still having the flexibility of the elektron boxes at your disposal otherwise.


I really like that idea. I explored it for a while with various controllers but my favorite was using the OT to control scenes and performance macros on the AR.

It was fun for a while but not as gratifying as using the actual knob on the actual machine. Plus the whole assigning CCs and whatnot was a buzz kill for me.

If you could just pin the sequence page to show all sequences for longer than 1 bar, I’d be stoked. Oh well, feature request I guess.