Introducing Digitakt

You, my friend, someone paid attention to the videos.

(Yes it does, and my shame is public)



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Good! Glad my sample chain planning hasnā€™t been for naughtā€¦ahem excuse me, naut

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Things not being integers is not a real problem though. The inability to choose values between integers is an actual problem.

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True, just keeps things tidy and quick

Thatā€™s just your psychology. A noninteger value on the filter cutoff is not inferior to an integer value.

No, just slower to dial in

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Neither is necessarily more valuable, sure. But 50.08 vs 50 on most values isnā€™t likely to add up to an audible difference. The precision is nice when you dicing up a sample or playing with micro timing. I am curious where you would see the most benefits in sound design in the minuet differences?

Definitely filter cutoff; resonance as well. Iā€™d want it for drive, and bit rate. Iā€™d want it for everything actually, and itā€™s one of the most appealing aspects of the DT to me. That level of precision for all parameters is desirable to me.

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I think we all agree that the resolution is good. All I was saying is that for certain tasks it is good to have a dedicated way to scroll thru integers, most pressing to me is for sample start, because Iā€™ve recently built a bunch of chains relying on dividing a sample into equal slices. Seems Elektron agreed

I was replying to this

Understood. I just wish it wasnā€™t so jumpy getting to 50 initially but could still lean either way with fine controls. Right now I feel the controls are moving way too quick but that opinion may change the more I use it. Iā€™ll go from 0 to 127 on delay feedback in a tenth of second on accident when I expect to make it 20 clicks around the dial.

I prefer Montreal to SF any day!!

Oh I guess Iā€™m supposed to write something about DT, here, huh?
Anyone going to be at Movement Festival tomorrow in Detroit?? :wink:

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I just realized that shift pattern left/right not mentioned in the manual as far as I can see. Man I really hope it gets implemented, itā€™s so handy to have diferent perspectives on the fly.

That function IS implemented on a per-track basis - each track can be shifted left or right in time for new and fun unpredictable results


can anyone with one tell me if Ctrl-all has a reset to previous state after mangling?


If thatā€™s the case excellent. I just canā€™t find it in the manual. Let me read the thing againā€¦

Yes indeed!! Page 62 :slight_smile: Shifting Trigs Around

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I heard that itā€™s not implemented yet.

Am I the only one who is kind of upset that you can only transpose samples across 4 octaves?
The manual says ā€œThe whole range spans four octaves, middle, 1 up and 2 down.ā€ Thatā€™s only + or - 24 semitones.

Why is this even a limitation? What if I want to drop a sample down way low? I think this is an issue for sure.

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