Introducing Digitakt

Great that’s what I’m hoping. Should be able to get some good results when you adjust the sample start/loop across all tracks at the same time.


yes doing this on the MD does some serious magic, I can only imagine how cool this will be on loner samples over the entire kit.

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Indeed! That would be really cool!

I reckon c-alling them all to loop and then narrow the waveform would be REALLY cool. Instantly turning a bouncy beat to an orchestra of granular drone would be a cool power to have. :slight_smile:

Also what will be interesting is the relative LFO destinations

And so it begins…

Elektron Digitakt Demo Song - Subaquatic

Please post more…


All we get is 30 seconds of a preset sequence?
Well… at least the delay is stereo… LOL


Must… have… more… :drooling_face:

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The rumor I hear (from someone who definitely would know) is that Elektron US expects them in LA on Tuesday (due to holiday) and they’ll redistribute them from there. Probably a safe bet that any of the Elektron dealers in the LA area will have them either same day or Wednesday. I’ve had nothing but great transactions with a certain analogue establishment. You could even go as far as to call it a haven of sorts.

So if you’re anywhere near LA, you’re in luck!


Anybody hearing anything “mastery” in that demo?

Gee it looks cool next to Push!

HELLL YEAAA!!! (I live in San Fern Valley lol)

Little curious on what to expect. I bought direct and shipping was showing Friday but then dipped off the radar as soon as it headed overseas… Now there is no info available. Looks like I might be spending a long weekend thinking about my new drum machine.

Us Aussies have at least 2 more weeks to wait! Get your vids up please :slight_smile:


Sounds great!

Hmm looks to be the best battery option for me over all… can’t wait for that digitakt :cold_sweat:


A mix of one-shots and longer stuff, longer meaning 2-3 minutes.

Damn. Packing for a holiday today and really wish i had a DT to take with me… though I really want to take the RYTM the other boxes are just too big (and expensive) to take on a holiday, for weight and risk of theft factors. The DT seems like the coolest little holiday jam box. Ah well, next time maybe … :slight_smile:

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I pre-ordered just last week at Store DJ Sydney, they said it would arrive late June. Maybe mine is the second batch.
When I ordered he said we are getting 7 to start with and 5 had already been sold. Not sure when to expect.

you’ll get first batch whenever we get them

btw that comment was before they announced the delayed shipping for Australian customers