Introducing Digitakt

Just sample a ‘c’ and all will be well.
The octave will be dictated by the sound…

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For textures, drones and granular style stuff, you are absolutely correct, there will be some gold in there for sure. But this is a ‘drum sampler’ - If I CTRL ALL the start point of my ‘drums’, my transients and groove disappears, if I CTRL ALL the end point, my drums become short and clicky. Predicatlble, and boring IMO. That’s not to say there won’t be use for it at all, I just don’t feel it’ll be as good and exciting as the MD on ‘drums’.

As @AdamJay mentioned in the thread , if the parameter locked steps are not affected by the CTRL ALL function, then It’ll be a whole lot more interesting and useful on drums, and the pattern as a whole.

We’ll see :blush:

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Maybe that’s where the master track comes in…CTRL 8P anyone?


“Digitakt, Octatrack, crippled or fine?
Elektronauts, ElektroNots, I can’t define.
Occasions, persuasions clutter your mind.
Incense and peppermints, the color of time…”



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great firsthand perspective. thanks for all the details!

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The sequencer i use is Sequentix Cirklon. When working with rytm, i can route velocity to sample slot and access all samples from one track. I can also play rytm polyphonically using a feature in cirklon. Rytm has many cc value assignments like filter cutoff, volume, etc, for which i have the option on cirklon to purposefully create individual tracks with their own sequences to modulate these cc values. Octatrack has wacky cc assignments which are not practical to me. I cannot route velocity to sample slot, or slice; i have no means of accessing these parameters other than to use octa’s internal sequencer. Since my preference is to sequence from cirklon, octa mostly sits unused - a huge potential which is untapped due to no modulation matrix


I’m assuming the midi channel is assignable for each midi-track… It would be awesome if you could parameter-lock that option, the midi-channel, on a per step basis. That would give you access to all 16 midi channels on the 8 track midi-sequencer, wich would be nice. :slight_smile:
Is that doable on the Octatrack btw?

I’m planning to use my DT in isolation. I may very well be in the minority in that :slight_smile:

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Yeah I’ve always fantasised about a per step midi channel!
Just imagine what you could do eh?

Rad, I have a buddy that does everything from a Cirklon these days. Haven’t gotten any time on one my self, though I did play with a P3 when I was working the Analog Haven booth when they were there

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Lower the tempo.

Foremost Poets again :joy:

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Nope. There’s at least two of us.

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Interesting question. Actually I think you can parameter lock midi channel per step on octa, but I might be wrong. It would be pretty time consuming though to program in +1 to midi channel per note, and if there are 4 notes on one step, all four notes would be sent to the same channel. Cirklon and certain vsts have the ability to auto rotate midi channel per note. I believe this comes from the desire to use keyboards like the “roli” thing which send pitchbend with each note an thus require the function so that all notes are affected by different pitchbend amounts. But it has the byproduct of enabling polyphonic use of multitambral instruments like rytm, and even octatrack

As you and I are of the very few using the Roland TM-2, I wonder if you’ve considered using the TM-2 for sample tracks #9, 10, 11, 12 with DT’s MIDI sequencer yet? (also sorta giving four 1/4" outputs for the 12 tracks)

I have and it excites me.

A4 CV sequencer’s trig conditions does fun things to it, for sure.

But in addition to trig conditions I’m thinking that using all 8 midi tracks as 2 x 4 setup sending 4 notes into TM-2, a bit like an A/B pattern could be powerful for the TM-2.
MIDI A,B,C,D set to the same 4 (correlative) MIDI notes as MDI E,F,G,H.
Would give a lot of variation in a single pattern, spitting notes to TM-2’s four sample voices. And that’s before you even hit that FILL (scale) button.

Also the TM-2 SD card slot… I have 32GB SDHC card which I can load up with all the Samples From Mars synth note hits, trigger from DT’s MIDI and resample through DT’s inputs. Giving me 33GB of sample library storage and computer free operation when using the pair.

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nice, we knows wats up bro :facepunch::sunglasses:

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I think the issue is when grabbing a small loop out of random sounds and using that as a osc waveform, the pitch is determined by both loop length and playback speed. I’ve often wanted a auto tuning adjustment feature to help get those sounds in perfect tune, usually I need to use my MnM or A4 for a reference pitch and those sorts of things tend to be mood killers for me. Still do it all the time, just wish I could skip this step cause I’m lazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I understand what you mean!
I’m lazy too and just use my ears, a quick pitch analysis would be handy though…

The nature of the beast.

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