Introducing Digitakt

But you can. Not all types of music need lots of sounds. You could do multiple techno or house albums in one project with 127 samples. Hell most electronic music you could do in one project. In some ways I think daws that allow you to have 100s of tracks and unlimited amount of sounds has spoiled music producers.


I agree, limitations, boundaries are essential for creativity.


I’ve done multiple 30 min to hour long live sets using the Rytm and I use a lot of samples. Long loops, lots of drums/sounds/fx etc… Probably had 20-30 sample slots to spare and never reached RAM limit. Just sayin… YMMV of course.



Oh ok, I miss understood. I thought we could only store 128 total on the machine. That’s plenty fine for me then.


it’s 128 per project. if you need to load another project, you have to stop the machine

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It’s actually even better. It’s 2048 sounds in the ‘in use’ slots, but unlimited samples. See the thread on this topic.


Maybe in your genre :wink: For anyone doing anything vaguely resembling traditionally experimental pop on a tight money/time budget then a daw and the lack of limitation and abundance of choice is a godsend…

You often hear ‘yeah but look what the Beatles did on 4-track’ as kind of ‘don’t bitch about limitations’ inspirational advice, I’ve probably said it myself, but thats forgetting that the beatles had access to huge orchestras/any instrument/player they wanted, incredible sounding legit equipment and as much rehearsal/studio time as it took to nail a live take with multiple instruments recorded simultaneously etc.

DAW’s have evened out the playing field imo, that’s mostly a good thing… I can see how for some minimal genres/edm they could be more of a distraction than a necessity tho. An afternoon deciding ‘which kick drum sample shall I use’ isn’t really in anyone’s best interests :wink:

Re the DT 128 limit, I’ve never hit anywhere near that on OT but I’ve always been ‘2 or 3 songs per project’. Maybe I would’ve hit the limit if I was doing ‘1 song per bank’, 16 songs per project and using only OT for sounds. Doubtful with the stuff I do but one of those things that’ll vary massively between user/genre… There’s always resampling multiple samples down to single track stems if needed. Might take some commitment/calculation with the mono thing tho.

Either way I’d guess at Elektron increasing that DT limit at some point… Or they might be stubborn like TE on OP1. Every sample on OP1 takes up the same amount of memory + patch space regardless of length, can’t delete factory samples, can’t choose what to allocate memory to between drum/synth sampler/album etc… DT is flexible as a MF in contrast to that :wink:



necessity is the mother of invention

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Yes, I always remember the Elektron contest, where you only had to use one sample they provided to create a track. I used the Machinedrum for that, and that was a huge lesson for me. You certainly can create a full track out of one sample…


I tried that too for myself, was really an eye opener. It was the cowbell one, used the MD was a lot of fun.

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Another cool video demo with really gorgeous varied sound manipulation and sequencing of Euro etc: sorry if posted previously


127 slots, but with start points, a lot of sounds possibilities.
Question for users : I already asked, but how many different start point can you have on DT ?
120 x 100 with the 2 decimals ?


yes, …we even could tell to each other that a Ford T would be sufficent still.
i mean it is, not ?

its this way of thinking that kept whole countrys behind others btw.

some people will even tell you that a oxcart will do to get up a sufficient economy.
and they finally would be right :wink:

I said I was going to cancel my pre-order, but I’m going to keep my faith in Elektron’s word to “provide a viable option to not having song mode” in regards to pattern chains, and the ability to save them (with a hopefully near future OS upgrade).

My DT should ship today from Sweetwater. Please don’t let me down Elektron. This is my third Elektron box, and provided they keep their word, I’ll buy more in the future. If they don’t, then I’m done with Elektron for good.

No arpeggiator = pretty lacking as a way to sequence external gear, IMO…

EDIT: i meant all gear not just eurorack

Has anyone got an email from Perfect circuit audio? For the digitakt being sent out?

Woohoo got a tracking # from Guitar Center. Finally pulled the trigger today and ordered it after getting an email from them saying it it’s in stock. Gonna be a fun weekend :slight_smile:


Can’t tell if serious or sarcastic?



My wife is going to kill me.