Introducing Digitakt

Realistically and unfortunately, me stopping to buy music gear will never happen.

Also I am not a company. I am a musician. I don’t think like a business man. It’s not my job to understand or care about the numbers in Elektrons books or their business strategy.

The signal is super low. If you boost it with the comp it ruins the rest of your mix.


C’mon guys … this box is awesome, small, for transport … in a train or plane … making music on the fly …

i somehow feel, that my OT will be suffering a shadow-existence

I thought that too, but i recently played a techno gig running the OT through the AR with some compression. Turned out it’s quite fun and creamy sounding… and you can even layer AR and OT drums without them clashing as they might if they ran parallel into a mixer… a very ‘forgiving’ input if used right.
Ofc the OT has the output power to actually drive this input, a lot of hardware doesn’t.


The best thing I heard in that whole thing was “save BPM” (@~1:25).



4 posts were merged into an existing topic: MIDI Out Functionality

Inevitably the Octatrack will suffer the same fate as the Monomachine and Machinedrum but like a Shelby 427 Cobra they become timeless classics and if you own one then that ain’t suffering no shadow existence!

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I think the Digitakt looks worth it for the midi sequencer alone.


I wonder will the prononciation of “didgytacked” versus “diggytackt” divide the world like “mewgh” versus “mowgh”?

I like “diggytackt” but “didgy” just comes out whenever I read it.

Octatrack is still the King and always will be IMHO

I honestly don’t think it will be topped



machinedrum sounds lovely smashed through the AR inputs as well. 24 tracks of drums are a beautiful thing ;D and i agree it can be pretty forgiving and adds some nice colour


Speculation time.

I predict:
A reverb / delay kit with the same dimensions and workflow as the Heat. Let’s call it the Analog Chill.

A spin-off on that, for the guitar players, which contains only the delay part. The Analog Delay.

Then, the DigiSynth. A synth companion to the DigiTakt - paired, much like Korg’s Electribes. It’ll have eight tracks, no samples or sample playback. This will be announced no later than March, so that all who have their pre-orders on the DigiTrak can still change their mind, if they prefer the synth version.

After that, I honestly don’t know, though. Perhaps something with proper keys, for the keyboard players. But really, my crystal ball’s a bit hazy on that one.


Does Digitakt can play my favorite E cowbell ? :

cank said " you don’t have to bother with saving kits "

so it does not store kits? hahah hardly something i am looking forward to

btw. how many patterns and banks it has?

i should put the OT into a glas-box, with flowers,

G.I.P. (Groove In Peace)


Cank seas 3

no, you should be happy to have one, and use it alot :wink:

no, no … DigiWave

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haha sorry, i am new to this english thingy