IDM / Glitch tips

were the synths from the DT also or are those external?

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Thank you. I’ve been trying to do this, but with mixed results so far. I’ll keep trying.

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All synth parts are from the digitone. Great combo!

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They do indeed sound good together, cool track too!

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Cheers bud!

Outside of using a Digitakt and more in the Daw realm, these would be my glitch tips for drums / percussion…

I use DBlue glitch with the shuffler and reverser effects primarily, sometimes the stretcher. Randomize the settings and track it. Keep the good parts and arrange in Cubase. The reverser can be great for stutter type breaks. The shuffler is good for rearranging parts at random and some stutter fx.

Livecut VST plugin is older, but it’s exceptional for glitching, stuttering, pitch shifted rolls, etc…

Also cut random slices manually of drum tracks and rearrange, pitch shift, and time stretch to taste. Also just started using live cut for glitchy bits. Singling out certain kicks or claps / snares for a delay or super decayed reverb is something else I love to do! My source material for the drums is coming from a Machinedrum UW, so I combine these methods with drums that are also CTR-AL to hell and back!

This last one might be more applicable to the Digitakt because it resembles a tracker. Something I’ve done lately is take a 4 measure drum loop recording I’ve done and import it into Fast tracker 2 (you could load into Digitakt instead). You can set sample start points, loop points, reverse samples, pitch shift for your samples. It’s very visual how the notes / hits are arranged because it basically looks like a spreadsheet.


I do something similar but slightly more tedious. I’ll load in a whole folder of glitch and percussion sounds to the project, lay down 16 trigs on a track, and P-lock different LFO setting sample slots to each individual trig. It’s bit cumbersome but you get some WHACKY results once you start using Ctrl all and love recording automation.

I once bumped into @nedrush video explaining advanced Octatrack techniques for breakcore/IDM.
It is astonishing, I watched it several times and reproduced successfully.
Some really cool tricks there!
Maybe some of them would also be useful on DT.