I thought I understood the LFO's

I want an LFO to be synced to the start point of a pattern, to repeat in a predictable way each bar for panning.

I don’t want it to retrigger on each note, because each note should have a new pan position. So I have to use FREE.

But it seems FREE is not tempo synced, and depending on when I hit start, the panning starts at unpredictable points.

I have SPEED =8, MULTIPLIER x8 so shouldn’t that mean it’s synced?

This seems like the most rudimentary thing to do, so what am I missing?

free is tempo synced in terms of rate (assuming you have not selected a dot multiplier) - it may not sync in terms of phase - you can p-lock phase on a track or in a sound - you can do this once at the start to get a desired phase and let in run free thereafter
spd8mul8 = 64 = period of two bars - see link


This helped a lot. I haven’t had much use for trigless trigs, but triggering the LFO and making sure LFO TRIG was set in the trigger page, is what I was missing.


do trigless locks work with the trig conditions as well? then you could also reset the LFO once only during the first pass of the pattern by utilizing “1st” trig condition.

This would also work beautifully for a kick drum tail issue someone was having on this board. He also needed to reset the LFO phase, but only wanted it to do once, on the first pattern pass…

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Am I wrong or even with Trigless Locks LFO is always trigged, except with FREE mode?

Ya…i thought free was free running. But it seems to advance with each trig. At least this whats displayed in the OB window.

FREE can be free if you disable LFO TRIG in TRIG MENU. It can be retriggered if LFO TRIG is on (without plocks).

But the annoying thing is that with all other modes the LFO seems retriggered whatever is LFO TRIG state. It doesn’t seem normal / logical. @Open_Mike?


I had lfo trig off (i believe :grimacing: ) ill have to check again

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I’ve been sidetracked, but in good ways… Still kinda lurking on the forum here and there…
Hopefully soon I’ll have more time to get back lfo behavior analysis and other geekery… :smile:


I think I have the answer
FREE and HOLD seem to be the only two modes related to LFO trig in trig setup, as they are the only two continuous / free modes that need an LFO ON p-lock at the beginning to always be in phase when a new cycle starts. In fact the FREE mode with LFO trig ON in trig setup is nothing more than the TRIG mode itself, which is not affected by the trig setup, as are the ONE and the HALF. In FREE and HOLD mode the trigs in the sequencer are the points that represent the LFO shape (say a RAMP for example). The more there are the more its representation is detailed (and audible) and therefore the option to disable the LFO trig makes sense here so that only the first trig is active to trigger the phase of LFO shape and the remaining ones in off, to make sample audible in that precise point of LFO shape’s route.
I hope it makes sense

EDIT: I tried to make sense of this behavior but thinking about it, whatever type of lfo I am using, LFO trig on / off should allow me to temporarily disable any active lfo as fast as for SYN SMP and ENV. Maybe a bug?


More tests needed for me!
Plock lfo depth is possible anyway, but what surprised me is the fact that even Trigless triggers lfos with the Trig Menu Lfo Trig off…