How to extract/save Analog Rythm Sounds

Hi guys,

Might sounds silly but how can i export i kit i made out of analog rythm synths and samples i constructed to open into another Analog Rythm to be re-opened the exact same set-up with sesstings and the samples layers ?

thx alot


Last time I checked you can to export a kit as sysex. Now about samples you need to maintain an external copy in order to be able to use that kit on another RYTM. I use Dropbox for that :slight_smile:

May be something has been updated on the last months, I’m not completely sure.

EDIT: an old related topic: Project complete backup?

Currently working on this as well.

Current problem :
One may export only kits and all the sounds with c6 utility.
Problem is : there are big chances the 16 exported kits make use of the whole 128 pool sounds !!
So importing this within a new project will potentially erase the 128 sounds already present in the pool.

My point is : on a project you already work on, you’d better recreate a kit IMO.

On a brand new project : export only the Kits you absolutely need and the sounds they use.
Export this and then import in your new project.

And I agree, it’s rather weird to have to be that careful for such “simple” tasks in 2016. But there was clearly a choice made between this and other functionalities. I prefer the functionalities, so IMO this was a good set of priorities.
I would bet we will see sample management appear in OB in 2016.

In the meantime, maybe there is room for a third party app like Void’s to glue together different exported sysex from Kits. Maybe this exists already.

Thx for the answers guys we on same page i just tought someone found a better wqay to re-open all the kits including samples edited in the kit but for now cant find a proper way either… maybe on the next update lol