First of all, the manual for calibrating CV is wrong – it describes how it used to work a few months ago and it changed in an OS update. To calibrate nowdays:
[li]Plug in the pitch and trig CVs, and make sure the trig CV is at least doing something (sounds like you got that far). [/li]
[li]You need to select two notes as a reference – let’s say C2 and C4. Press C2 on the keyboard that’s attached to the Minitaur (I’ll explain why later) and make sure you’re actually getting C2 (you do have a tuner hooked up to the Minitaur, right?[/li]
[li]On the A4, select C2 as the first note, go to the note voltage and hold down “Yes.” A tone should play. Dial in C2, checking the tuner. Should be pretty close to zero volts.[/li]
[li]Once it’s dialed in, set the second note to C4 and do the same thing with the second voltage. We’re using V/Oct, so going 2 octaves up should translate to somewhere around 2.000 Volts.[/li]
That should do the trick. One thing to note: I don’t have a 'taur, but on my Microbrute the CV in is actually an offset to whatever note I played last on the 'brute’s keyboard. This is why I have to start by playing C2 on the Brute, as the A4’s CV just adds to or subtracts from whatever voltage the Microbrute was last playing. Annoying but it does make transposing up or down an octave easy – just hit a key on the Brute’s keyboard.