How to cv control minitaur?

well, as far as I can see, It is not mentioned:

and, I’ve just confirmed that the range of the CV PITCH V/Oct can go from -10V to +10.

the whole point here is: I’m trying not to damage the Minitaur sending wrong voltages to it. And I’m not really sure how far it can go without anything happen, but the manual is very clear:


Hmm ,oops, fair point, i’m more Hz/V tweaking these days and the Control voltages don’t go negative on that system
secondly, i’m next most likely to be using value lin, so familiarity with the Min Max there has affected my recollection

As you helpfully point out there is no explicit capping in the settings for pitch V/Oct

I know that the settings define a gradient and a zero crossing so it’s actually implicit that the voltages can go negative

For your purposes, you either have to keep tabs on the Pitch extremities or offset your reference point to minimise the chances of getting high or low, whichever’s worst

I’m amazed i haven’t seen a comment along these lines before, so i’m glad you corrected me given the nature of the matter :thup:
… gonna dig a bit further into this and double check what my Dark Energy is happy to receive

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yeah, no problem!
I haven’t seen anything about it here either… I think it could be easily implemented in a future update, since it’s already done in the CV VALUE LIN type of out.

Yep, this is a legitimate and easy FR, send it in :thup: … it’s all too easy to fire out stray voltages if you get a bit adventurous on the arp … the issue was briefly raised on here a few years back, but amounted to nothing

it’d be useful to get some insights into the significance of these specific warnings from third parties - it’s all too easily done on the MS panel, but i’ve heard little by way of horror stories, maybe a trip over to muffwigglers will set your mind at ease

Hi guys,
I would like to use my A4 to sequence my minitaur how would i set up the all thing? cables where to where? and anything that i need to do in the A4 parameter or something? sorry i’m noob.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Waldorf Pulse+

Trying to get the correct Pitch v/oct settings for the moog minitaur. Can anyone help? I don’t think i understand the “note 1, Voltage 1, note 2, voltage 2” settings. I can get it to work but the midi keyboard i have is not functioning under the correct octaves. everything is shifted up.

so much trouble in here … why not simply using MIDI and having NO problems??? i sometimes dont understand why we need all that CV stuff at all … i associate CV with modular and kling klong sounds contemporary electronic music doesnt need anyway :smiley:

so - why not simply using the MIDI IN on the Taur - and thats it, problem solved?!

Try calibrating the CV stuff from the editor. These are my CV settings using an Analog Keys as a controller:

Note 1:



Note 2:



Yours probably won’t be exactly the same, but could/should be similar.

Who is using the “Moog Minitaur” with “Apple Logic Pro”?


Matteo Candura

Hello, I need to ask to you, the frequency range of Minitaur are from 8hz to 523hz or from 16 to 523? Why in CV with ELEKTRON A4 on Logic Pro X the moog starts from 36hz to 523hz so from notes midi (24) to 72?
Matteo Candura

I’m not sure what the current status of your issue with CV control of the new OS on your miniatur is, but assuming you have a setup for the A4 which gives you correct pitch now when controlled with CV - then your octave issue is probably related to the sometimes confusing standards in MIDI which can mean that some manufacturers refer to C4 as a different frequency to the next, so basically there’s a potential 1 octave shift relative to that designation

If the software does not allow you to work with both standards (some allow you to state which reference you use)

Then you simply need to shift the octave register on the A4 for the two reference pitches you assigned to Voltage 1 and Voltage 2

This is one way to get the CV range to better fit the working range of a device, or it may be useful to bring the working range closer to the default octave setting of the A4, so you do not have to constantly shift voltage registers when you use that arrangement

The important thing to be mindful of is not allowing the A4 to output ‘potentially’ damaging voltages that are too low or too high, so you may only have a working octave range which is less than the A4 can serve in theory - just be careful - i recall reading a comment from a moog user about stray voltages, so keep that in mind

But in terms of setting up the CV values, that is covered in Elektron notes and countless times in the forum pages and elsewhere - there is a simple linear relationship that is generally 1v per octave, there may be an offset on this such that starting values are not close to integers (as per most synths where Cx may be 2.0v exactly)

If that’s not the issue, perhaps detail what you have tried and what’s wrong exactly

Plus - in the above numbers you are presenting octave ranges varying from 6 (8>523) to 4 (24>72) … i’m not sure you’re on top of the numbers yet

Thank you @avantronica for your reply, can you explain better to me this my quote? What are the frequency out for the A4 that can damage it with CV use?



I mean that i vaguely recall reading that another Minitaur user (or similar) explicitly stated that in the manual there was a warning “Do not send Negative voltages or voltages in excess of 10V” … now this would be easy to do if you didn’t set up your ranges too cleverly, but i’m not sure how cautious the comment is or if indeed it even applies to the miniatur

In terms of which frequencies in the A4 that will go high or low that depends entirely on your settings

It’s a linear relationship, if you have two points on the line, then you’ve defined the whole function … look to see which pitch goes high and which goes low or do the simple maths

I’ve set up CV to use my minitaur with all the guidelines I could find.
Everything works apart from one thing.
Minitaur only plays one note.
No matter what I try it’s always that one note. Mini keys same issue, yet when I use Blofeld on midi I can play all notes.
I’ve calibrated the minitaur, cables are set correctly and so are voltages and I’m just confused at this point.

Anybody had this/similar issue by any chance and knows the solution?

Could it be you are playing on the lower octaves of A4?

If you use the default cv settings for v/oct pitch then C3 is set to 0v. Every note below C3 then will send a negative voltage from A4. If I remember correctly the minitaur doesn’t respond to those.

To check this play some notes above C3.

Second idea: moog synths tend to add incoming cv to a base frequency set by the last received midi note. Try to send the lowest possible C to the moog via midi before connecting it up to the A4.

Good luck!

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Thx for the input.
I’ll check it when I’m home and report back.

I gave up haha.
I’ll just keep sequencing the minitaur through DAW. Way better in the end.

Try reversing the inputs.

I gave up.
I never really needed this to work but figured why not give it a shot.
As is now using mini with the VST plugin is pretty amazing so the whole cv thing was me doing something I have no idea what for :grinning:

Can´t even get a trig/gate going. Ideas?
Edit (ugh, two faulty cables…)