How to cv control minitaur?

Well, six hours in and I’ve still not been able to get it to work. Seems like I just get the same note no matter which key I press. Gah!!!

Did you have any luck?

Got it all working, even the DFAM. Having a rough time of shutting everything off and then it doesn’t work when I start back up. But working through that. I’ve been rewiring for 5 hours over the past 2 days. Trying to get everything neat inside my fire box. How are you trying to sequence the Minitaur?

A4 CV A/B out to Minitaur’s pitch and gate inputs. I can get it to trigger a sound, but octaves don’t change, and the note is the same no matter what key I press.

Oh that’s beyond what I’m doing. I just wanted the damn thing to start and stop and make a sound.

have you tried using the lower notes? The minitaur doesn’t track over the entire keyboard so you end up getting the same sound past a certain octave/note that I can’t recall off the top of my head.

Never had any problems controlling the minitaur from the A4/modular for the past many years

also check out this thread for more info

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I’ve tried switching the A4 into lower octaves but still nothing.

you’re certain that you have pitch cv assigned to the correct side of the cable? You’re using a TRS to dual mono cable as well?

Yeah, cabling is correct (TRS insert to two TS male outputs), and they’re plugged in to the proper jacks.

On the Minitaur Editor I have the CV mapping set to default. Do I need to change anything in there?

Thx for your help BTW.

One thing I noticed is that the Minitaur still makes the single note sound regardless of whether or not I have the (tip) cable plugged into it. Maybe I have a bad cable (just bought it).

Just tried another cable and got the same result, so it isn’t the cable.

hmm everything should work with default settings on the minitaur. Can you try saving your current A4 project and doing an empty reset of your machine and re-setup the cv tracks? Also try doing a factory reset of your minitaur, if it wasn’t brand new who knows what has been tweaked and saved through the editor.

Also do you have any other gear you can try sending a CV signal to? If you are getting proper v/oct output from your cv tracks to another device then you know for sure something’s up with the minitaur.

also do the same sending midi notes to the minitaur to confirm the oscillators are working OK.

You should be able to isolate where the problem lies after this

It’s a brand new Minitaur, but I have used the Moog Editor to reset everything to default, and to calibrate CV. I will try sending midi to it though, that’s a good idea. Thx.

Tested the Minitaur with midi and it works fine.

I don’t know if it will solve your issue but never the less moogs will sort of “set” the oscillators to the last voltage played on the keys (if there) or by midi, and then the cv input will offset the oscillators from there…

To get my Little Phatty to work in proper tune with pitch CV from Threremini I have to have pressed a low C last, I forget which Octave…
Here it’s mentioned earlier in the thread:

Once you get things sorted this can be used for transpose…


I’ve spent about 8 hours trying to get this sorted with no luck. I just followed your steps exactly and now it’s working. Thx a lot!


Oh man, 8 hours…but extremely happy to hear you soldiered through, congrats! A4 and Minitaur is a wicked combo.

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Shit is brutal eh?

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I haven’t managed to C/V-control the MT through my AK yet, but one day I will. And then I’ll make a comprehensive step-by-step video (why on earth isn’t there any yet?), so nobody will ever have to struggle like us! Promise!

I’m gonna come back in a year and check. :crazy_face:

Still not there, but I compiled all seemingly useful input in this doc:

Anybody achieving C/V control based on this input is bound to make a step-by-step video :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you leave C2 @ 1v and C5 @ 4v once it was set up? Everything’s working great for me with those settings, other than the Minitaur being slightly off pitch.

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