How to backup digitakt & digitone?

Hi, if I may just revive this thread, I’d like to know if this has been improved since then? Can you easily backup the whole DT? If it’s still transfer all samples then save all projects via sysex that’s fine, just wondering

Yes, the Transfer App (Support & Downloads for Transfer | Elektron) can copy sounds, samples and projects to a computer.
Projects includes samples so they can be easily restored even if samples are not in the DT anymore.

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Transfer is a piece of software more reliable and user friendly than most people I know, it’s very simple to backup as well as load data onto the Digitakt via transfer.

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Heads up: I’ve run into in the past that backups from the DN will not restore if DN has a newer firmware. I was successful on restoring a back up after downgrading my DN’s firmware.

I would recommend somehow noting the firmware version for all your back ups just in case.