How Elektron can get more of my money

I love Elektron. I love my OT, MD, MM, and A4 (it’s growing on me). I love he form factor, the functionality, the creativity, and the quickness that it brings to my studio. At the moment, I’m not super thrilled with the MKII stuff (OT gives me no reason to update, the A4 and Rytm design is ugly for me), but I can see how this could help them grow even bigger.

But at the end of the day, I just want a MonoMachineDrumTrack. I want 12 OT sampling channels, then 16 more tracks of MD/MM machines. Add to that the MKI form factor, some individual outs, and the newest in Elektron sequencing, and I’d gladly drop $2500 in a heart beat. I love my gear, but I hate only being able to easily travel with 1 piece. I’m going away next week and I’m struggling to decide which unit to bring with me for the plane and such. If I could just have all of them at once, I’d be thrilled.

Seriously, Elektron. Just go balls out. People would go apeshit.

A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s next for Elektron?