Help with sequencing Nave

Hi all, I’ve had the OT for a couple of months but hadn’t tried sequencing any external gear until now. Recently I scored an iPad so I thought have a play around with Nave, and I like it. Grabbed myself an iconnectmidi 2+ so I could play Nave with a keyboard controller and it works perfectly. Now for some hands free jamming I thought I’d sequence Nave with the OT. No dice as yet. I have Nave on Midi channel 10 and set trk 1 of the OT to midi channel 10. I put the OT into chromatic mode so I could play around with Nave using the OT trigs, but I can’t seem to get a sound out of Nave…

The iconnectmidi 2+ is set to so the iPad will output sound from headphone jack - which it does. So it’s not that. Also I can play Nave with my external Akai MPK49 controller, so the ICM2+ is working in some manner at least. It must be something with the OT that I am missing? I’ve had no dramas with clock sync from the OT to A4, so I know at least that works.

Any ideas?

When you select a channel for sequencing with the Octatrack, you have to click the encoder once you reach the desired channel.

^^ Failing this…which port do you have the OT plugged into on the ICM 2 + ?

Have you checked your port routing in iconfig ?

You say you are using a keyboard controller. Do you mean simultaneously ?

If you have the OT plugged into DIN 2 for example and are using the default port routing on the ICM 2 + your OT midi might not be patched through to the port you have specified for Nave to receive on.

Ok, I’m pretty sure I clicked the encoder to select channel 10. It displays channel 10 in the trk window. I assume that means it’s selected properly?

I’m not using the midi keyboard simultaneously. I just used it to test the ICM2+ was working. OT is plugged into DIN 1 IN. I haven’t checked the iconfig routing as I assumed that because the midi keyboard worked with default routing and the OT was taking the place of the keyboard, then it would make sense that it would work the same.

Ok…double check you have clicked that encoder.

What about triggering the A4 from the OT. Does that work ?

Also do you have a midi monitor app on the ipad ? If not grab yourself one. Very handy for troubleshooting situations like this.

Yeah trying with the A4 was my next step. I’ll also grab a midi monitor app and try more troubleshooting tonight. Cheers.

Hold on…just realised you’re talking about chromatic mode.

Chromatic mode is used for trigging internal samples. I’m pretty sure that setting the track 1 channel to 10 does not mean chromatic mode will output chromatic notes on that channel…

Could this be your problem ?

Have you tried going into midi mode and laying down some trigs…with the midi track channel set to output on channel 10 ?

I will try with just the simple midi trigs method. Hadn’t tried it yet… thought chromatic mode would be faster to test…

Is the “10” white/grey or dark? To actually select the channel, you need to scroll to the channel you want and then push the encoder to select. Once you do that, the text should be dark for the channel you want.

I was wrong about chromatic mode not outputting midi…

But check this thread…I wouldn’t mind betting the OT is set to INT only by default:

Ok, so I just tried chromatic method with the OT hooked up to the A4. Worked like a charm. So it’s something to do with the ICM2+. I find iconfig loses connection with the ipad a lot. Seems very flaky to me. Pretty disappointed with it. I’d try and view the midi routing in iconfig and it’d tell me that it jad lost connection. When it did work it’s rather unintuitive…

I agree that iconfig on the ipad could be better thought out. You really want to see all your port routings on one page simultaneously…

I often have a few problems getting iconfig to see the device when I first connect it and very occasionally while the app is not in focus but this is solved by disconnecting the ipad from the unit, rebooting iconfig and reconnecting the ICM 2 +.

Have you upgraded the ICM 2+ to the latest firmware ? Check in the Device Information tab - should be 1.06

What does the routing look like in iconfig on the mac ?

Actually I have a PC. Well the PC software is bad. Updated firmware to latest version - crashed. Tried again worked. If you commit a change to firmware and then it reboots, it’ll find the device, but only report serial number instead of device name. Then it requires another restart to find the device properly. I don’t have any faith in the ability of this device to be useful in a live situation at all. I’ll be returning it I believe. Thanks for all of the help everyone.

sorry to hear you’re having problems with it.

are you sure you haven’t got a faulty unit…like this guy had ?

Yeah I read that thread before purchasing it actually. Submitted a ticket to iConnect. So we’ll see what happens. As a result of troubleshooting this device I’ve been messing around with the OT’s midi sequencer a fair bit. Enjoyed sequencing Absynth and Massive through Maschine 2.