Help. Push 2 Step Automation vs. Elektron's Plocks

Hello to all,

Has anyone compared differences among both.

Push step automation is very abrupt as the effect lasts only the length of the step, while in Elektron has sort a tailed fade out that smooths the effect, making it more natural / musical.

The only way to roughly reproduce this in Push 2 is to extend the automation past the length of the step.

Can somebody please tell me if they have noticed it, why is this and how to overcome it in Push.

Thanks in advanced


I can assure you that Plocking on an Elektron does not operate as you have drawn

Plocking is absolute and infinite until the next trig (the effect of which depends on all other params), where the existing value or next locked parameter will kick in

The fact that the Push seems to change a Param for the duration of a ‘gate’ rather than for the duration of a playing voice is very unfortunate, if that’s the only way to utilise it

Take a simple case of P-locking pitch up, there’s little likelihood you would want the pitch to drop back ahead of the release phase, so a setup like the last arrangement is exactly what you’ll have to do if there’s no other facility with the Push (which i’ve never seen or pushed)

I’m sure a push wizard can help you … the guy who wrote the Performance M4L utility may be able to give you insights :thup:


I can only confirm that in the past the Push does indeed behave as you stated, the p-locked effect or parameter only happens for that step and then immediately goes back to normal.

However, I recently updated Live & Push and it seemed to behave more like Elektron devices, where the effect or parameter would trail off in a more natural way. Not 100% sure about this. Will test when I get home.

There is a rather significant update coming with 9.7. Hopefully, if it’s not addressed already, it will be in 9.7.

If we get true Elektron-style p-locking in Live+Push… yikes. That will be very nice indeed.

ps - excellent diagram, btw. I have tried to explain this before to people and I don’t think they understood. The diagram sure helps.


I was thinking about this the other day but haven’t been able to try it: try using Lives return tracks in the same way as you’d use the effects on an elektron device. this limits things somewhat, but it’s still far more flexible than, say your AR. it may work with some “locks” and not others, but I think that’s the only way to do it through Push the way that elektron does.

or maybe not. idk.

thanks for the detailed reply.

When u reffer to absolute and infinite until the next trig is basically like the 3rd figure of my drawing?

Thanks again

Thanks Bwax

The problem in the version is kind of still there. In the sense that the step automation is now linkd to note duration, but you have to draw / push a note that is 4 pads long, basically instead of step in the beat and all the beat sub divisions.

Thanks again

Thanks I will give it a try.

Yep :thup:

Reviving this one… I can’t figure out a workaround other than to have blank clips or to make notes the full length of the bar… without hitting other notes, that is, else legato glide is activated… :confused:

Anyone else figure out a workaround for this one? I was surprised by this myself. The reasoning doesn’t make musical sense. It should be note -on S&H per step, not gated/AND’ed by the notes themselves on both note on and note off.


agreed. the way that it’s implemented doesn’t make sense. i’ve more or less given up on locks for now.

Don’t forget that within Live itself you can implement step automation in any way you want.

interesting thing to note about the Octatrack’s Midi side’s Parameter Locks is that they don’t need to be set back to whatever the regular parameter was on the external synth patch before the previous p-locked note changed it.

it would be nice if there were the option to have Glide Trigs on the Midi side but anyway the currently available options are cool.