Help me understand slide trig

Monomachine has the best slide implementation imo. Elektron has really gone backwards to not implementing them at all. So strange as it is one of the most unique features of their gear. No clue why they would want to phase this out or limit it.


Elektron is doing that for years, we pass from Monomachine to Octatrack to Digitakt to Model toys :confused: such a shame


I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve understood it correctly, but to do that, wouldnā€™t it be the same to go to track 8 and lower the volume manually, instead of moving the crossfader?

Crossfader is funnier though.
More tactile, more visual.

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Just realized that if I place a slide trig on every trig in a given pattern on a track that my automation is more or less smoothed out completely. It always felt like an inescapable messy workaround to screw with LFOs when I couldā€™ve just been live recording my automation on a pattern and have it translate smoothly with slide trigs on everything!