For midi sequencing which do you prefer OT or DT?

Yep, works on just note trigs too. With it turned on you can send lfo’s to transpose or whatever and it stays locked in key… :slight_smile:


Could you make a chart for chromatic scale modes ? :wink:

to echo @tsutek4h - do not under-estimate the fun of setting multiple octatrack midi channels to the same channel. you can then mute/unmute tracks for interesting variations.

on a related note, if i’m using limited midi tracks (for example just a bassline), i use the other tracks to store alternate takes of the bassline.


@tsutek - what are you using to translate aftertouch to program change? assuming something like the midi solutions boxes but would be very happy if there is something obvious I’m missing.

You can also use midi tracks to modulate other midi tracks, but it’s tricky. :loopy:

What for ? If you want to modulate Notes, Len, Vel, Arp speed/mode/range etc…you have only 3 lfos, and you can’t use another midi track with the same channel to do this.
But if you use midi tracks sending midi on auto channel number, you’ll be able to modulate the active track with 6 or more lfos.


Neither I use the AK as its sequencer can record chords and trigger the internal sounds with those 4 voice poly chords
With the OT and DT you can’t record 4 voice chords for the internal sounds as they are mono.
Also with the AK you can record from your PC really complex midi data into the AK sequencer and it comes out better and sounds different —google abusing theA4/ AK sequencer trick

Topic reminder:



I see one of those near me; and I think about it every now and then… purely for the midi sequencing of a Virus…

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Mpc500 is not very sexy alone, but combine with OT, it’s much more interesting.

Midi overdub quantized is great.
I’m thinking about recording OT midi automation with it, record crossfader, play tracks individually in order to bounce tracks with crossfader modulations. :wink:
It can save / load standard MIDI FILES…




Very interesting. I wish they add it to OT one day, seems technically possible. I guess Notes Off are generated differently.
This is confirmed with DN too? With 8 midi voices per track?

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