External audio

I’m away from my digitone for a couple of days and something just crossed my mind - when external audio is entering the digitone are the fx always on or only when the sequencer is running?

They are on until you press double-stop… in which case you need to re-trigger them from one of the synth tracks. Slightly annoying but support said it is something that will be looked at.

The issue is not in the double-stop itself, but in that fact that the FX settings from the current pattern are applied (or at least seem to be) when the sequencer starts. Double-stop just resets them, and they need to be applied again by playing the sequencer. But then also changing the pattern with no sequencer playing does not cause FX change to the settings from the new pattern. Hope it is considered as a bug, and will be fixed.


Yes, should have been more clear about that!