Elektronauts 2.0

Great work! Love that there isn’t paging anymore. Really slick platform.

Couldn’t reset my password by providing my email address, but with account name, it worked.

So much white. As an ethnic minority…


Cool new site!

yeah, would be nice to be able to use a black theme.

This theme kinda hurts the eyes when I view it first thing in the morning heh…

I can’t get used to scrolling instead of paging :slight_smile:

:3lektron: nice!!

A humble suggestion would be to ease up the font on the right sidebar, looks quite muddy in Safari as it’s an already bold font with font-weight set to bold as well. Setting font-weight to normal makes it more legible. The difference in Chrome isn’t as big but normal looked better there too.

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i would make the top bar a bit smaller as there’s some unused space there…could add some extra pixels…or else…mm…a track player?(randomly plays users’ tracks/media files twitter feeds? … :grin: )
i agree about the ‘bold’ fonts, font size should also be more consistent :diddly:
i’m sure all this tiny adjustments will be taken care of in the coming days :spy: all nice so far :slight_smile:

Yep, hiding the top navigation when scrolling down, but showing it again when you scroll up a bit would be great. More space for content.

Unlike my 1,500 other posts full of shite, this post actually has a purpose, where one gets to check if they have done everything correctly…

I’m old, grumpy, and lacking caffiene, so my thoughts later I guess.

Any way to switch themes? I prefer a darker theme.

A billion and one fucking emoticons, but no ‘Knowledge Dropped’, This is Fun’ or ‘My Anus is Bleeding!’? Support ticket lodged.


Yum! This is awesome! :egg: :coffee: :elan: Best forum i ever saw! Such options!

Look good Elektron :ecstatic: :thup:

I first had the same problem. However, when I searched for a post of mine, I saw my “new” username (with a “_” between first and surname). Using that one, I could press the “forget my password option” and got a message for an e-mail sent for PW reset. Works f0r me now.

The Email address for support was in the Emaio we (presumingly) all got. Unfortunately, I wrote to them before figuring out myself and hopefully waste not much of there time now.

Well, it finally spurred me into joining the forum after lurking more and more as the years drew on.

Scrolling rather than paging is definitely different, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to adapt.

Nice to be here!

looks like it is http://www.discourse.org

also nice that it’s SSL enabled :+1:


may take a little to get used to it, but I like it so far :evergreen_tree:

Love it and love all of you! Hope to be here more as I make my elektrons portable this summer :kissing_heart:

Boom, first impressions are very good indeed, looks slick!
:elmm: :thup: :totes:

Looking hot :3lektron:

My hand held device browsers just expressed their gratitude.
Nice work.

Though in reality need to renew my passport. :airplane: :joy: